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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a way to cure all kinds of anxieties?

Question:There are some over-the-counter products that help with anxiety, and they should work no matter what you're anxious about. One is 5-HTP, which reduces both depression and anxiety. Airwick makes a room freshener that has a calming effect, and I was surprised at how calm it made me even on a low setting. Your pharmacist can probably suggest more. I would try things like those before I considered a medication, because most anti-anxiety medicines are habit-forming. You have to keep taking higher doses so they keep working.

Some people are anxious a lot because they don't recognize safe situations. If you're anxious because of that, ask yourself periodically, "Am I safe right now?" You'll probably realize that you are, and you'll stop being anxious.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are some over-the-counter products that help with anxiety, and they should work no matter what you're anxious about. One is 5-HTP, which reduces both depression and anxiety. Airwick makes a room freshener that has a calming effect, and I was surprised at how calm it made me even on a low setting. Your pharmacist can probably suggest more. I would try things like those before I considered a medication, because most anti-anxiety medicines are habit-forming. You have to keep taking higher doses so they keep working.

Some people are anxious a lot because they don't recognize safe situations. If you're anxious because of that, ask yourself periodically, "Am I safe right now?" You'll probably realize that you are, and you'll stop being anxious.


Drink Beer, it does wonders for the curing of anxieties!

apathy... ignore what other ppl think.

Prayer and meditation are the only real cures for anxiety. Grams

get to the root of why you're anxious, then self talk your way into believing it doesn't matter.

Yes. Reason.

More a prevention than cure, but it's the same thing.

Life a bad dream? Cure is to wake up. It's a long story, get it from the source. Free download, nothing to join. Works with any religion or none, IF you are willing to look at yourself objectively and face whatever Truth you see (for yourself). It's an exercise you practice.

Follow the white rabbit :-)