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Question:Why do some people think evolution is false? How can you reject all the evidence that confirms it.

-There ARE transitional fossils:

-just because it is not as intuitive as creation is not a valid reason obviously

There could be other explanations besides Darwin's natural selection, but evolution is happening. Period.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do some people think evolution is false? How can you reject all the evidence that confirms it.

-There ARE transitional fossils:

-just because it is not as intuitive as creation is not a valid reason obviously

There could be other explanations besides Darwin's natural selection, but evolution is happening. Period.

Because some ignorant sheepherder who knew nothing about biology wrote in Genesis that God created the heavens and the earth in seven days and rested on the eighth day, many intellectually challenged Christians believe that this is the way it really was.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

If we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys around not evolved? Nothing can be proven only supported.

Some people is too ambiguous a term to answer your question be more specific. Do you mean you?

Why can't you believe in evolution and God, too? I've never had a problem with it!

We theists do not invalidate Evolution with Creation. We rather claim that God creates through Evolution. Therefore, we embrace both Creation and Evolution.

I guess people don't like thinking that they could've evolved from monkies. Maybe it's an ignorance, but last I heard evolution is just a theory.
Maybe some people just believe that 'God' placed us onto this Earth as humans.

I would say natural selection is a fact, but I believe the line of progress view of evolution is flawed. Granted we are evidently more advanced than the other earlier forms of proto-humans. But there is the potential for ups, downs, evolutionary cul de sacs, discontinuations, etc. Evolution is an overly simplistic point of view. Natural selection may in fact aid in the devolution of a species as much as it may aid in its evolution.

People will think evolution is false for one of two reasons:
1) They are unfamiliar with the theory of evolution and have little to no understanding of how it actually works.
2) They intentionally go into denial about evolution because it contradicts their chosen dogma.

I think a lot of people are rejecting gods (per se) just now because of the bad done in their name by militant islamists and neo conservative christians.

I think their views reflect what they've learned from their parents and friends, as well as in church. This probably explains the common misconception that evolution has people evolving from monkeys, when in fact, both people and monkeys evolved from an apelike ancestor.

In my opinion, many religious and political leaders also misrepresent reality. Scientists have reached a consensus that evolution is happening, but to hear some people tell it, it's an iffy proposition with as much evidence against it as for it.

well i beilive what ever science brring to me but still stand back and question how it is here....IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
lol....see its easy once you think outside the box.

The biggest problem for many, evolutionists and non-evolutionists alike, is that they keep confusing the evolution argument with one of religion (specifically the Judeo-Christian version of it). The phrasing of your question is a prime example.

The two can co-exist, or can at least be considered separately on their own merits. There are religious people who believe in evolution, and there are non-religious people who have yet to be convinced that current evolutionary theory has been convincingly proved. By joining one position to the other, closed-minded persons polarize the collective thinking, discouraging potential agreement with evolution for fear of being branded a heretic, and/or discouraging potential disagreement for fear of being branded as unscientific.

It remains to be seen whether the theory of evolution stands up to scientific scrutiny or falls to the wayside of a better theory in the same manner as the Bohr atom or bloodletting. But the process will undoubtably be hampered for any that continue this baseless association between religion and evolution theory.

True or false people fail to see real changes. Until you catch on camera a lizard becoming a bird or an ape becoming a human overnight there will always be those who believe we are as we are and there is no change to that. Virus' mutate but are essentially still the same virus they were before. Find a virus that becomes a bacteria or something more and you will help prove your theory of evolution. On the other- hand ...I believe in Spontaneous evolution that the strength of thought and need will create spontaneous evolution and in essence this is creation(spontaneous evolution): of mind, body, and spirit. Fossil records mean ziltch without repeated confirmation of evolution with the human eye. If you base your theories on Faith alone then you are no longer Science ...You are Religion.

I guess when you are taught creationism from birth through religion, it would be hard to understand and believe anything else...whatever proof is provided. At least, that is what I think.

Since space and time are part of the "created", the Creator is not subject to them. Therefore there is no inherent conflict between evolution and creationism. In other words, God has time. The unchanging source of all is in no more hurry for life to build itself out of His energy than He is for stars to be born and die to make the heavier elements.

Everything is one thing in disguise.

There's a better link to transitional species below, and a free pdf download book explaining how 'spiritual' energy becomes matter, time, gravity.

Regarding the guy above who mentioned the existence of modern day apes somehow proving that evolution does not exist.... This is a common question from the creationists and it makes no sense at all. Modern day apes descended from their early ancestors traced back to a hominid species dating over 2.7 to 4 m.y.a.

Modern man belongs to the genus Homo, which is a subgroup in the family of hominids. What evolved into Homo was likely the genus Australopithecus (once called "man-ape"), which includes the famed 3.2 million-year-old "Lucy" fossil found three decades ago.

The whole human family tree, being able to connect the branches is the life work of anthropoligists and other scientists. The great apes are man's closest cousins, they developed off the main family of hominids over 4 m.y.a. To say that modern man descended from present day monkeys and apes is as ludicrous as saying "horses descended from zebras, so why are the zebras still around...?"