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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would you say Conventional. and Ultimate truths are?

Question:I would say a Conventional truth is something which can be explained, by facts and evidence such as in science, and Ultimate truths are the reason behind things, or a description of something such as the nature of things as they are such as (too use an example put forward in a previouse question) If their is a red ball, conventionally their is a red ball, but ultimatly their is just a colection of atoms aranged in such a way which gives rise to the lable of a red ball, but ultimately their is no red ball, just an illusion of preconceved learning, and perception.
As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness.
(((((May All Beings Be Happy)))))
Thank-you for your answers

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would say a Conventional truth is something which can be explained, by facts and evidence such as in science, and Ultimate truths are the reason behind things, or a description of something such as the nature of things as they are such as (too use an example put forward in a previouse question) If their is a red ball, conventionally their is a red ball, but ultimatly their is just a colection of atoms aranged in such a way which gives rise to the lable of a red ball, but ultimately their is no red ball, just an illusion of preconceved learning, and perception.
As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness.
(((((May All Beings Be Happy)))))
Thank-you for your answers

I think we are looking at relative truths and absolute truths.
The relative appear in our reality, the absolute is the space in which all this takes place.
One is finite the other is infinite.

Conventional truths are the things that can be explained with the senses we are born with.

Ultimate truths are here today and gone tomorrow.

Good question, but in it you have answered it yourself.

You say that there is no red ball. Other than one perceiving a red ball to exist.

There is no truth, other than that truth in which one chooses to believe.

And one person's truth may be another person's lie.

Personally, I consider the highest form of any truth to be love.

Blessing of joy and peace to you.

"we all create our own reality", "perception is reality"
if one takes a nap on the beach it is envied, if one takes a nap on the sidewalk it is seemed as foolish.-blurey

Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am).
-René Descartes

Descartes found that there are no conventional truths and the only ultimate truth was his famous "I think, therefore I am."

His idea was that nothing you experience or sense can be asserted as proof--or as a truth--of anything... all sense and perception are interpreted by the mind and cannot be proof of anything. He used an example whose modern comparative would be "The Matrix"... (everything experienced by a person's senses in the Matrix were in fact false.)

The only single, uncountable truth was that his own thoughts existed, therefore--in some form--he existed.

In Descartes' way of thinking, everything else was subjective to one's own existence and could not be proven. So following that line of logic, do any other "truths" even matter? =)

I don't really think there is an ultimate truth, all is subjective to our own personal viewpoint on reality.
Conventional truth is simply a doctrinal belief.
I believe that the only truth is personal.