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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the meaning of "what"?

Question:1 a (1) used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter *what is this* *what is wealth without friends* *what does he earn* *what hath God wrought* (2) often used to ask for repetition of an utterance or part of an utterance not properly heard or understood *you said what* b (1) archaic : WHO 1 used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity of a person (2) used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the character, nature, occupation, position, or role of a person *what do you think I am, a fool* *what is she, that all our swains commend her Shakespeare* c used as an exclamation expressing surprise or excitement and frequently introducing a question *what, no breakfast* d used in expressions directing attention to a statement that the speaker is about to make *you know what* e used at the end of a question to express inquiry about additional possibilities *is it raining, or snowing, or what* f chiefly British used at the end of an utterance as a form of tag question *a clever play, what*
2 chiefly dialect : 4THAT 1, WHICH 3, WHO 3
3 : that which : the one or ones that *no income but what he gets from his writings* sometimes used in reference to a clause or phrase that is yet to come or is not yet complete *gave also, what is more valuable, understanding*
4 a : WHATEVER 1a *say what you will* b obsolete : WHOEVER
–what for 1 : for what purpose or reason : WHY usually used with the other words of a question between what and for *what did you do that for* except when used alone 2 : harsh treatment especially by blows or by a sharp reprimand *gave him what for in violent Spanish New Yorker*
–what have you : WHATNOT *novels, plays, short stories, travelogues, and what have you Haldeen Braddy*
–what if 1 : what will or would be the result if 2 : what does it matter if
–what of 1 : what is the situation with respect to 2 : what importance can be assigned to
–what's what : the true state of things *knows what's what when it comes to fashion*
–what though : what does it matter if *what though the rose have prickles, yet 'tis plucked Shakespeare*

Of course the meaning of a word, any word, is in how you use it. Your question is, then, also an answer to itself.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 a (1) used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter *what is this* *what is wealth without friends* *what does he earn* *what hath God wrought* (2) often used to ask for repetition of an utterance or part of an utterance not properly heard or understood *you said what* b (1) archaic : WHO 1 used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity of a person (2) used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the character, nature, occupation, position, or role of a person *what do you think I am, a fool* *what is she, that all our swains commend her Shakespeare* c used as an exclamation expressing surprise or excitement and frequently introducing a question *what, no breakfast* d used in expressions directing attention to a statement that the speaker is about to make *you know what* e used at the end of a question to express inquiry about additional possibilities *is it raining, or snowing, or what* f chiefly British used at the end of an utterance as a form of tag question *a clever play, what*
2 chiefly dialect : 4THAT 1, WHICH 3, WHO 3
3 : that which : the one or ones that *no income but what he gets from his writings* sometimes used in reference to a clause or phrase that is yet to come or is not yet complete *gave also, what is more valuable, understanding*
4 a : WHATEVER 1a *say what you will* b obsolete : WHOEVER
–what for 1 : for what purpose or reason : WHY usually used with the other words of a question between what and for *what did you do that for* except when used alone 2 : harsh treatment especially by blows or by a sharp reprimand *gave him what for in violent Spanish New Yorker*
–what have you : WHATNOT *novels, plays, short stories, travelogues, and what have you Haldeen Braddy*
–what if 1 : what will or would be the result if 2 : what does it matter if
–what of 1 : what is the situation with respect to 2 : what importance can be assigned to
–what's what : the true state of things *knows what's what when it comes to fashion*
–what though : what does it matter if *what though the rose have prickles, yet 'tis plucked Shakespeare*

Of course the meaning of a word, any word, is in how you use it. Your question is, then, also an answer to itself.

There is no meaning to what, 'what' only tells you about something.

"What is it?"

Better question to ask, what is the meaning of 'why'

"Why is it?"

Infinant Possibilities if you let them shine threw



**Um, you used it in your question as the very first word. It's hard to explain how it works, but you know where to put it. (a bit like sex, actually)

Like Clinton said. It depends on what the meaning of "IS" is. Didn't he say something like that. Once you begin this semantical chase there is no stoping because one ends up getting caught in the self limiting language trap. Which often happens in WESTERN PHILOSOPHY they really argue semantics and language and seem to miss the real point. WHAT means ...........? .......the dictionary definition will tell you how it is a word that questions the nature of some THING..............but of course the dictionary describes WORDS with other WORDS and sometimes we think the same way. Which again is why I often have a problem with most western philosophy.

What is defined as a grammatical word used in direct and indirect questions to gather information.

Read the question you just wrote, then come back to me.

It identifies something and gives a better explanation through relation. However 'what' does not answer the subject in question, to do that you need to ask why, then how, and try to find out if it can stand alone rather then be pigeon holed.

What, where, when, why, and how, are great mysteries.

The definition of all these terms can be located within the human heart.
To discover these answers is definitely an inside job!

What shall we do? Where shall we go?
Since our conception we have been trying to find the answer to these questions.

"Peace be always with you."

well, what what means is , hold on........... this means this and that means that so that means this question has no answer.................unless what what means is..................uh..................... never mind

its just an expression for a direct or indirect questions to look for further information... i hope that helped