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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do u care whether or not your coworkers like you? Please give a reason as to why

Question:NO. No reason, I just don't care. You can't please everyone and you cannot worry about it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: NO. No reason, I just don't care. You can't please everyone and you cannot worry about it.

Mutual respect, working as a team, adhering to policy and getting the job done is more important. Favoritism breeds jealousy.

Yes and no.
On the one hand like all people I want to be liked. and well thought of, but on the other hand i could really give a hoot wether you like me or not as long as you do your job and do not hold me back from doing mine.

I don't care. It always have people like you and hate you in every places. I just do whatever I think it's a right things to do.

I agree having coworkers like me would make work easier, however I do not care. I am at work to do my job, and thats that. Where I work, my job relates to how much my coworkers get paid, (comission), so I try not to get attatched to any one of them because then I tend towards favoritism and give that one more work than the rest of them. So I respect them, and am indifferent towards them, but beyond that I can care less how they feel about me, I wont see them beyond work.


because if they like me a little they will treat me a little better. I do not want to spen my day waiting for some one to hurl silent insults or hatchets.

Honestly, of course I want the people around me to like me.
If I'm doing my work, being pleasant and am an encouragement to others I don't see any reason for problems.
Now if someone seems annoyed I might take them aside to see if we can sort it out. Maybe I remind them of someone that they don't like. I've done that twice in my life and both times was able to work it out. I don't like working in an environment where some malevolent force is giving me the evil eye. No one does. If I can't solve it through 1. apologizing if I did something wrong or thoughtless, or 2.
seeing what is bothering them, then I rest a little easier.
I can't do anything about someone who hates because I'm a female or am born in November or drive a van. That's life.