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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you lead a happy and content life?

Question:Or is there something missing, something you long for?
Thank you so much for your answers :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or is there something missing, something you long for?
Thank you so much for your answers :)

I think the biggest thing missing from my life right now is stability and knowledge of myself. I feel like there is just so much I am learning; I'm trying to form my own beliefs and learn things for myself but it is difficult. Thats something not a lot of people can help me with, and it's obviously a huge part of growing up. I'm holding on to the hope that one day who I am and what I believe and stand for will become a lot more clear to me.

No but that 'want' gives me the motivation to keep improving and get myself where I want to be.

love is missing

Contented, by and large, but I long to be with the man I love, who is in another country and can't get a visa.

I wish. But sadly no. I'm not very content with my life, and I'm not happy either. I have a wonderful life! But I'm just not happy...and I can't figure it out for the life of me...


love is missing in my life

I agree with the apostle Paul,

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Philippinas 4:11-13 NIV)."

I'm happy .

yes I do, The reason why I say this is because I have good friends, a family that loves and supports me. Also I am geting good grades and i have a good looking boyfriend.


I am very moody so sometimes I am happy and content and sometimes not. I worry about my boyfriend but I realize it is silly to worry about others as they make their own choices. Bye!

I was the happiest person around until 48hours ago.
Now I have something missing in my life...but I'll get it back
with conviction and hard work.

Very Happy at the moment - but ur picture made me happier! Lol! xx PS excuse mine

not really.

that requires 'reason'

and reason often bores me.

i self destruct - not in pathological ways - just am my own worst enemy.

pick up the tools of reason and build happiness.

I long to get rid of debt and have something comfortable to live on, No I'm not very happy at the moment, I'm always struggling.

Content but not as happy. I have a tremendous hunger for knowledge; and the more I achieve of it, the more content I feel, but the least happy for that matter.

i dont know, i like how my life it is now, i would change a little thing, but i love how it is, well yes i am missing something i long for some of my family members,

There is a void in my life right now that needs to be filled..

i'll remember you the Gypsy spell/curse:
that you may obtain all you wish !

when you are happy and content, the sole things that can happen are misfortune and evil.
Better fly low; better cherish your desires in your depth, as if they were jewels that dissolve in the sun


I long for much more

I try.
There are ups and down in everything.

I try to take the full 3 seconds at the stop sign so I can look around and appreciate where I am.
I try to enjoy my food and think about why it is the way it is.
I try to listen to music like it is an event, not background sound.
I value and apply the knowledge I gain.

I am happy and content since I've had the Lord Jesus Christ in my life.

very much so! thank you so much for asking! enjoy.

I love my life, and the progress toward my goals is one of the things that makes me happy.

yes i need love and lots of it