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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the link between Hate and Freedom?

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Opposites. To be free you must give up hate which is judgment which is Pride. You will always become the very thing you hate.

Hate is how you fall to the dark side, which is the opposite of Freedom.

Greed and Jealousy

Any person who lives with their own best interest in mind lives free and in this manner there is no hatred towards others. Those who live under what “society” deems best then sees others not like them a threat thus hatred comes into play – you’re different therefore I must hate you.

It’s the difference between thinking for yourself and not.

Mind over Matter


Hate is a chain that binds you to the very absolute thing you hate. Impossible you say? It is true. Whatever you hate consumes you, surrounds your waking and sleeping hours. You wear it like a cloak. Eventually, your strength erodes and you become a vulnerable being inside the very thing you hate.
You are now chained completely, not free anymore.

Therefore, if you must hate, do not hate permanently. Hate and run? One day further along your life's journey, when someone would ask you about that place you have been once before or that person in your life, you simply say "Oh , I hated that place, or that guy etc".

But you are free.

In both Hate and Freedom you want something. Your not greedy if you want freedom. HOW can you be? Doesnt everyone want this? Dont people give up homes, families, possions just to have this one thing thats very important? Greedy people would stick to where they have more things. In both you can be selfish though. In freedom you might d anything ot get it and in hate its the same so in both you desperetly want something regardless of the cost. Sometimes. In both you might also want vengence:In hate there are many reasons in freedom you could want vengence and most likely DO on the people who took your freedom away from you and dont let you have it.
