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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does love prove?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thank you for your comments!

Love proves that the concept of love exists. And its worth putting ourselves in a vulnerable position, for the sake of experiencing and sharing love.

(Logic does not follow from premises "Love exist" to conclusion "vulnerability is worth experiencing" because by definition, love does not make sense)

Errr... nothing. It's what you do that matters.


that you have a heart! Love could be for anything- food, flower, toy, etc.

That love has no color, race, age or religion.

It proves that you see someone in a certain way so that you can deem to love them. Love isn't about the person as they are, it's about the person you perceive them to be or as the way you tell yourself they are.

Love proves that we are humans, that we exist, that we are all part of this universality calkled life.

It proves that we are free-thinking individuals thirsting for knowldge and wisdom, living in a dream world called life, meaning to exist in this nothingness.

Love proves that out ultimate goal is to be where love is.

Love doesn't have to prove anything. Love just is. It centers the lover and the loved and makes them feel complete, just like Tom Cruise said.

That all too often we are fools unto ourselves.

That there is a God.

Depending on the person it can prove that you are totally committed or can prove nothing at all. To me love means caring about others, helping people and taking time to be with them. Looking after them when they are sick and rejoicing with them when good things happen.

Love can be a very powerful word. It can make or break a relationship of any kind.

it proves the human nature that no one can live alone, every heart need a second one to love. it proves that men and women needs each other.

It proves that " you " are WORTH SOMETHING to SOMEONE.

Well, I had to move into an apartment over a year and a half ago and I saw how many friends really loved me and helped out and who did not help out! When you are in a crisis, you find out who really loves you and who is a fake friend. As a Disabled Person, I had paid movers, but all they did was dump boxes and Left the place in total chaos. I had friends who did love me and I paid them too to help unpack and clean up after the movers left. It was a lot of work and I only wanted friends I trusted to help unpack my things. Love is there as a friend to help out others.....

Proves you are not alone .

love proves that you care, have feelings for something or someone, love is a strong word, it bassically proves that youu enjoy something really strong or have feelings to it, I LOVE MY FAMILY AND I LOVE art , i have care and heart for that :)

That you love the emotion and not the other person. hahaha.

Its so true. You are just using the other person because of how she he makes you feel. If they stopped feeding you that emotion you wouldnt love them now would you.?

In other words it makes you a beggar. Love is then really weakness.

That something is working correctly.