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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the link between Reason and Error?

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well in french, "avoir raison" also means to be correct.
The word reason must thus come from the disctinction between the aware being, and the one living in error

if there is no reasoning there is more error if there is error there must be a reason for that error

In this case mostly your reason for conducting yourself the way you do is to eliminate the possibility for error.

i would say that if you think there are so many error in human life than human life is not ruled by reasons.

Depends on what type of reasoning you are talking about.

If you are talking about scientific reason then any answer determined by the process of falsification must also have associated with it a range of error.

This was discussed by Karl Popper in his "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" if you want to explore it in depth.

When you are working with strictly a priori reasoning with no observations of the external world, you can avoid having to deal with error. However, for some of the more modern mathematical problems, you often see refinements in solutions that tend to widen the diameter of the scope of what is determined. You could probably express that as a form of error, of not knowing something as proved.