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Position:Home>Philosophy> If life is a Playstation game, what level are you on?

Question:level 24
-4 for not finishing school yet
-2 for not having the job I want
+1 for getting married
+2 for not having any kids yet
+2 for not making any stupid choices in life
+1 for never doing drugs
-1 for drinking
-1 for smoking
+5 for owning a house
-3 for never making it big as a musician
= level 24

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: level 24
-4 for not finishing school yet
-2 for not having the job I want
+1 for getting married
+2 for not having any kids yet
+2 for not making any stupid choices in life
+1 for never doing drugs
-1 for drinking
-1 for smoking
+5 for owning a house
-3 for never making it big as a musician
= level 24

I'm still on the intro screen - demo mode

Level 18 = age 18

Level two and I will never leave there because I will always discover something new in that level

level three on the extremely hard setting.

In the glitch on level one

I've joined Mr Nate on level 24, sloly and suerly I am progressing. Level 24 seems alot less complicated than the last 5 levels. I'm catching Nate up fast and if points are added like that then I would have overtaken him.


I would be on the top of the level so that no evil can touch me. lols

I appear to have entered a cheat code at some point cos im now 28 with a a job, a house and three kids, but i dont really remember how i got here!

check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!