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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you bought a Star out in the Universe.....for whom would you name it....?

Question:i have thought about this subject for years and now i know the answer-----i donnot know your name but it would be your name, and thank you for resolving this , so what name does it get?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have thought about this subject for years and now i know the answer-----i donnot know your name but it would be your name, and thank you for resolving this , so what name does it get?

well if such thing was possible i'm assuming it would require lots of green to do so. so since i coughed the green, i'd be entitled to naming it after myself

I would name it after itself: I'd call it "star".


i would name it after my lover.

my mom. she has done so much for me and is truly a remodel, friend and great parent and whom i will love to remember when she is gone. point the telescope up in the bright night sky find my star and remember all the great times we had together. thats a good idea and i think i am going to look up into buying one. thanks for the idea.

That's a simple question....for my Grand daughter Becky of course!!! She's the brightest thing to sparkle since her Mother was born. I'm amazed that you don't know this???

For my 30th birthday, my father "bought" me a star in the consellation Monoceros. You can do that and the money goes to help support the Library of Congress. The company that does it is the International Star Registry and they actually change the name of the star to your name. It's kind of cool, you get star charts to find your star, a book with all the star names that have been changed and an official certificate to frame.

At this moment, I'd name it after the person I love :$

I wouldn't!

"Fools and their money..."

And I'm no fool!

I can't think of anyone, really.
anyway, we actually can do that:

I would name it for my children but I would have to figure a way to intertwine their names all together.

What a sweet question (((Goldberry)))

Starla Splendona

I've got two kids... can't choose one over the other... so they're out.

My late grandfather (and godfather) and I had a great relationship when I was young. His given names were Artimus Lemuel which he changed to Arthur Leonard as an adult.

But I think Artimus Lemuel or Artimus L. would be a good name for a star.


Lovie Loverson and her bunny dog Gracy.

You can name stars for free,, I named one after my dog.

I wouldn't be presumptuous enough to try to buy a star - or to give it a name without asking it what its name was (which is what I would have asked the indiginous people of anywhere I went, unlike the early settlers of the "new world"). But if I did name a star, I'd make the name up, based on its own characteristics, rather than confuse it with anything else. Broadly I reckon we should leave the stars etc alone, and get on with looking after the remarkable lump of rock right at our feet, on which we depend for our existence.