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Question:Money can buy security and peace of mind - and it takes these in order to be happy.

So in the end, don't people need money in order to be happy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Money can buy security and peace of mind - and it takes these in order to be happy.

So in the end, don't people need money in order to be happy?

If you view money as the only reason as a path to happiness, then your seriously limiting your happiness. Money in some terms can provide security and a little peace of mind, but it does come with its own problems as well.

The first and foremost is worry. You ll probably worry endlessly about where your money is going and how you ll be able to keep it. You ll also worry about trying to increase the amount you have and even if you have so much money, it can become endless on the amount of things you can spend or loose your money on. You will also begin to distrust people you should trust and trust the people you should avoid. Plus people will love you for what you have and not what you are.

There must be something at the end of receiving money, something that can give happiness. Happiness should be something that does not require so much effort, also happiness is not something which one can have forever. Happiness and sadness succeed each other.

Still to have enough money to live on is fine, but beware of viewing money alone as something that can make you happy, I am sure there are plenty of poor people around who strive for happiness in other means and manage to find it.

Not unless you can show that money is the only way to get security and peace of mind.

To fulfill our basic needs money is required, but the limit of basic need is the sky. Hence it is difficult to establish how much money is required. So we can say money can't buy peace of mind, which is happiness.

money can't buy happiness but it can make you miserable in style

You can be happy with money, but you really need to be happy first. It comes from inside.

Yes, buying anything that makes you happy. But most of all it calms your nerves.

Practically and truthfully, people need money to be happy, but money alone will not bring this happiness. But, to answer your question as to if "money can buy happiness"-- no it can't. Pure money can bring only unhappiness. Your other question as to if people need money to be happy, absolutely. In the society humanity has created, money is a necessity as I'm sure you very well know and have seen.

Maybe it's true that we need money to be happy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that happiness can be bought. If happiness can be bought, then there should be a price or cost of happiness. How much? Happiness isn't a "thing" (hypostatization). It's not something you take off the shelf a JC Penny's. You can't point to it either. Further, money is only "instrumental", that is, it is a means only. We use it as means to other ends in our life, but it alone is useless.

This is a commonly misplaced comparative question... money and happiness are like apples and DVDs...does the lack of money make you happy or unhappy?
What money gives you is options, and options can help make you happy.

I don't know if money can buy happiness but I know that *lack* of money can make you miserable.

Try living without it and you can answer the Q? for yourself.

To quote an old motivational speaker - Tony Robbins, "money isn't going to make you happy, but pulling up in a limo will change your perspective on your problems."

Money can't buy happiness if that was true than most of the celebrities wouldn't be making a mess of their lives.