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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are there any stake holders, philosophically speaking?

Question:There probably aren't any stake holders alive right now. They're all dead.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There probably aren't any stake holders alive right now. They're all dead.

Philosophically speaking, there is a stakeholder with your question. Me.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

It all depends on your definition of stakeholder.

To me, a stakeholder is somebody with a significant interest in an organization, where his life may be significantly changed by events that affect that organization.

A business is closing a thousand miles away, and I have a friend who will lose his job as a consequence. If it were not for my friend, I would not hear about it, and the event does not affect me in any way. That said, I am concerned, but I am not a stakeholder. My friend, who will lose his job, is a stakeholder.

To ask whether there are any stakeholders without specifying the circumstances is not proper. You cannot get a meaningful answer.