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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are universals woven into the fabric of...?

Question:Of what? What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Of what? What do you think?

Of our minds. Yes, universals obviously exist metaphysically. Whether they are generated by every person on a case by case basis, or "tapped into" somehow to allow understanding amongst us all, is not know. Therefore to deny either of the above possibilities is a matter of opinion, not fact.

Just what the heck are you talking about? Collective unconscious? Religion? Comic books? What do you mean by 'universals'? Please clarify and then I'll give you my answer.

No. Universals are drawn from observation of particulars. An infant sees lots of tables as he crawls around. Eventually he perceives that "table" is a flat surface with legs to hold it up. THAT is a universal.

When it comes to universal ideas like "being", "becoming", "ethics", then it becomes more difficult to see the process, but it works the same.

Your question smacks of mysticism. Universals and particulars are not mystical.