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Position:Home>Philosophy> We have minimum wage, do you think we should have a maximum wage too?

Question:Once people entered politics and local government to make a difference, now and even on here I see people asking how to get into politics like they are trying to get into investment banking

It has become nothing more than a money trough and It is attracting the wrong sort for the job

A modest and maximum wage on politicians?
Yes defiantly, if only to save what is left of the integrity of
the system.

After they leave office they could be free to earn as much stupid money as they desired, but in office their minds should be on the job not on the handouts

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Once people entered politics and local government to make a difference, now and even on here I see people asking how to get into politics like they are trying to get into investment banking

It has become nothing more than a money trough and It is attracting the wrong sort for the job

A modest and maximum wage on politicians?
Yes defiantly, if only to save what is left of the integrity of
the system.

After they leave office they could be free to earn as much stupid money as they desired, but in office their minds should be on the job not on the handouts

yeah thats gonna work :/

I don't think that would work.


the majority of people earning the high wages worked for it, though i agree that there are a lot of tossers which shouldn't be earning the sort money others SHOULD be.

But i personally think there shouldnt be.


well i think some areas of business such as teaching deserve more money than others, such as athletics. so yes?

No, minimum wage is to ensure that people can get by on their wages. there shouldnt be a maximum wage because if someone works very hard to get to where they are, then we shoudlnt limit them.

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i think we should have some kind of limit on MP wages, they just seem so outlandish for what they do, which is not a lot.
i think they should either get a high wages with no extra benefits of minimum wage with the benefits they take advantage of now

The problem with a maximum is that human nature, when it hits a limit, stops trying. I'm talking in terms of working for a living. Russia tried that. Everyone gets approximately the same salary. There was no incentive for people to create solutions, to take 8 years of University to earn the same as a dog walker. There would be no incentive to do the unpleasant jobs, the dangerous jobs etc.
It's a great idea, but the experiment was tried and failed.

For footballers and politicians yes

Are you kidding? Did you ever notice how many years it took to finally add 50 cents more to the basic hourly wage?

And by the way, there is such a thing as maximum wage already, and CEOs, Vice presidents of humoungous corporations, Presidents, General Managers, submanagers, and CFO's get an industry standard, and the biggest corporations continually make those higher than the next competitor to attract the "best" managers.

When you say the "best", part of that may mean the ones who can keep the cost of production down. In short, lower the minimum wage.

Yes. There are too many people with too much of the worlds wealth, while other people are starving to death.

I think there should be higher minimum wages for skilled/professional people too so that if you study for years and build up debts trying to support yourself you should be guaranteed a decent income.

Yes. Too many CEO's feel then need the US Treasury as a form of income to survive (this includes perks, bonus and severance pay).

Run that past either Buffet or Gates and see if it engages them. Might have a new concept.

If there was a maximum wage then this would be considered Communism due to people being payed similar wages. There shouldn't be a limit on footballers wages as its the clubs decision to pay that much, just because they have the money doesn't mean they shouldn't pay their employees.

No: we have minimum wage to ensure that people get a decent amount of money for work- maxiumum wage would be the government totally controlling our lives. We should get paid what ever we deserve for the job we do!

No, a minimum is so that employers don't get funny and have us all working for free, but a maximum is not necessary let the sky be the limit for earning potential

No that would go against all that our great free country called America was built upon.

I think that there should be a limit to the amount of money a single person can own. I'll leave you to think about this answer.

No, because then social mobility is closed. I believe we should all be able to be however wealthy we want. No law should restrict that. It's a reason why people moved to America. And I'm assuming this question is directed at America's "capitalism, greed, etc". What other country has these specific issues?

There's should be a minimum, but never a maximum to hold back peoples' ambitions and dreams.

Yes we should, but it will never happen, greed will see to that.

To have a maximum wage is to limit people- which wouldn't be good.

No I certainly don't, money seems to frighten people in this country I do not think that there is anything wrong with earning plenty of money.To dislike the idea of earning megabucks seems insane to me, as being a big earner would intimate to me, you have a very useful brain.Seems to me the only ones who don't like to hear about people earning big bucks, are the people that have none .It's not only the money that upsets people ,it seems to be success in general. You see we seem to have become a nation of idle b********

Yes, the world would be quite different if by law, the highest paid employee in a company anywhere did not make more than five times the salary of the lowest paid one.