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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe this statement ?: "Better to have love and lost than not at

Question:Yes, but i think that love is kinda your idea of what someone else has to offer you. As far as your perspective of it, it should be a lot easier to make some one else feel happy, knowing that they will be with you. Just always think about them, and youll never run outta things to say.lots of luck to you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, but i think that love is kinda your idea of what someone else has to offer you. As far as your perspective of it, it should be a lot easier to make some one else feel happy, knowing that they will be with you. Just always think about them, and youll never run outta things to say.lots of luck to you.



You can see it enacted beautifully if you watch the movie "Shadowlands".

The fact is, every important relationship we have will end in either anger or sorrow. But the grief at ending is brief, the joy of the long-term interaction can last for decades--you never know how long if you don't let it happen in the first place.

yes, all bad experiences make you stronger

Hell ya.....feeling love is the best thing that can ever happen <3
Missing that feeling is like not living a life....

Yes, I wrote it. No wait. I wrote, "Is it better to have asked and received no replies, or not to have asked at all." Yes, that's it. Something like that.

And yes it's better. Otherwise, you could end up bitter. And better is much better than bitter.

Well , yeah...cause experiencing what such a great feeling is a blessing...If you remember all the stories and books we read , all the movies we see...for example Romeo and great is their love , but they both died..or sometimes life is so unfair for them that they are split apart. This is what makes it that great!
May love invade your lives!
Peace and love,

Kinda. Been there, done that, bored with it. Think about this for a moment. Are you sure it is love and not lust? Too many people confuse 'being in love' with 'being in lust' every single time. That's how they get their hearts broken. What they don't realize is they are breaking their own hearts.

Instead, have faith in this statement: 'with age comes greater wisdom.'

Take good care of yourself.

Yes at the moment. I've never loved someone properly and had that love returned, and frankly, it sucks.

I'd have to have my heart broken to consider reconsidering

Those you love become a part of you. Their presence or absence is ultimately not relevant. If you are capable of losing them, you never had them to begin with.

The question in itself seems simple. Would you rather have love once and lose it, or live without the pain of having lost it, and never have something beautiful as a result. It's not that simple of a decision when you break it down though. Having a strong love or even true love, allow me to use my cliche, would be amazing. That intimate connection you share without evening having to be "physically" intimate. Although, to have it then taken away from you for whatever reason is a terrible thing. There would be a pain you would be seared with for what would feel like an eternity. But then again, how many people get to know the way it feels to have someone really...get you and vice versa. Where colors are more vibrant when you're with them and scents are more aromatic. Even if you lose them you'll still have those memories. You'll still be one of the few who got to experience it. Even if only for a little while. I wish I could be so lucky to have something close to it. So yeah I guess I agree.


It's always better to love and never lost, but who are we to decide?

I guess those who must have, had never had their hearts broken.

Yes, definitly. Every person that enters your life has something to teach you. Every experience, even bad once, help mold you into the person you are.

Yes, not just in relationships with people but everyone's gotta have love for something: dance, art, learning...etc...If not, then what use will people make out of life?