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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats your opinion on The Secret?

Question:So far ive traced through my life and the book seems to be right ive been using it and didnt even know it. With it i found my soulmate who i married 3 months after i met her, we have been together for 2 and a half years and havnt had a single fight we have a beautiful baby girl who is just perfect. I also found my dream job using it and all before i even read the book.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So far ive traced through my life and the book seems to be right ive been using it and didnt even know it. With it i found my soulmate who i married 3 months after i met her, we have been together for 2 and a half years and havnt had a single fight we have a beautiful baby girl who is just perfect. I also found my dream job using it and all before i even read the book.

I have not read it, but from everything that I have read about it, it is garbage.

It's utter nonsense created to help upper class wives and other twits feel better about conspicuous spending. It's the most shallow of the brainless new age philosophies out there.

I think that the law of attraction is very strong and true. I think that the secret is just to top surface of what we are able to do though. If you check out some of the different people that made the secret and look at their individual work (like James Ray) it's even more fascinating. To me, the secret was like a teasing introduction to the bigger picture. Not knocking it all, I just think that if you keep reading up on a lot of LOA and quantam/meta physics, you will realize that there is SO much more than the secret could have taught in such a short period. Way to go to you for being able to live it without having to read the many read the book or watch the movie and STILL can't do it! BRAVO!

[Copy/pastes the first answer]

I could go through the slew of reasons why the "law of attraction" is bullcrap, but I'll spare you the trouble, since I've answered this same question numerous times.

It's fine if you want to see life through a more optimistic lens, but don't accord it more gravity than it deserves: it's JUST an attitude, it doesn't reflect reality. Yes, people respond in kind to how you treat them. It's called reciprocation. It has NOTHING to do with wishing for a new bike and then seeing it on your doorstep.

It is foolishness that is another method of attempting to make people thinking that they are the most important things in their lives. It is basically along the ideals of Eastern mysticism that tries to make people think that by thought alone we can change our lives goals etc. , basically back to the whole karma deception.

The truth is that only by hard work, dedication, cooperation, learning and finally and most important faith in God and Jesus is there any real change in our lives possible!


“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess” - Martin Luther

The idea behind "the secret" is that the powers of the universe want us to succeed and will bring us what we truly want. Long ago l read a different book called "how to get what you want" that explained it better.

When we truly desire something it becomes the focus of our thoughts, although we may not be aware of it.
As we go on through our daily life we come across a multitude of people, objects that spark our thinking, but because they have no meaning for us we discard them as they appear, all this without our conscious knowledge.
It's called perception. We perceive everything in our environment but we filter out what we don't need because...just imagine yourself in a bustling, crowded place. Were you able to see, hear, smell, touch everything there you would go crazy, right? So you only note, perceive, what you find interesting.
Which brings us back to the subject of our desire. It sits right there at the front of our mind, so anything and everything that is connected to what you are longing for, seeking out and hoping to find, leaps out from our environment, when before it would have escaped our attention.
What happened with your good fortune is that your brain was able to recognize what you wanted out of the multitude of choices we don't even know we are making all the time.
Good for you.
It doesn't work for everyone because people harbor conflicting feelings and thoughts that murk our perceptions.

Overrated and pure deception.

It's only a small portion of our lives and the universe. It doesn't answer everything and isn't the best way. Unfortunately, unthinking individuals accept it wholeheartedly as there are certainly better ways and knowledge than the Secret.

It's incomplete.

Its the power of "positive thinking", which is real, just re-dressed and called "The Secret".

People have been preaching that for centuries, and it is real. The power of proactive and optimistic thinking. Do you realize just how many opportunities people let slip by them out of insecurity and doubt? The trouble is, positive thinking is a personality-based attribute. Not everyone who reads such a book or watches such a seminar will be influenced by it... you already have to be on a path toward positivity and self-actualization for that to crystallize what you are already doing. The very reason you let something like that influence you is because you want to be positive and pro-active.

There is truth behind the power of positive thinking, but that's all the secret is, just dressed up as the newest, hippest way to describe and merchandise it.

i believe to an extent, that you can change your life with how you control feelings and keep a positive attitude. But to envision something and have it magically not so sure about that.

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And it is also a way for the rich to justify all their greedy injustices that acquired all their possessions. This way they don't have to take responsibility...........the "secret did it".........but it's no secret ....everyone can see their greed.