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Position:Home>Philosophy> What was first, the chicken or the egg?

Question:Open to opinions :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Open to opinions :)

Chicken came first. It says that god created the animals. Not eggs.

the egg. Dinosaurs were here before chickens and dinosaurs laid eggs, so the egg was definitely here way before the chicken.

there we go, another person in the world raising the bar of stupidity to new levels.

corn dogs came first

well i believe the chicken was first, an egg cant been layed without an intetial chicken to create/host/lay one :P i believe cells multiplied through mitosis and meiosis and eventually developed the chicken... the chicken came first!!! but who really knows???

Personally thinking I think the Chicken came first - And was created - I can't imagine God sitting on an egg at the beginning of time in order to let a chick hatch!

Egg is cotained in hen and vice versa.

The universe, something has to exist for an egg to exist! :D

The chicken.

the chicken is usually the main dish

then comes the cake

no one knows for sure.

a circle has no beggining

I always found this to be a cute question i dont know why. I used to think came first because Adam was the beginning of humanity but then I began to think (always a mistake)...and now I'm all confused lol.

I believe it was the chicken.....its like saying which is first the baby or the human?......God created the first human out of the dust of the he never was a baby.......thus I believe God created the chicken before the chicken laid any eggs.