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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you make and eat GLORIOUS VEGETARIAN SANDWICHES?

Question:Peanut butter, veggie cheese and blackcurrant jam (jelly).

Nothing else come near.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Peanut butter, veggie cheese and blackcurrant jam (jelly).

Nothing else come near.

Sure I do! I always bless my food, and since I am a vegetarian, all my meals (including sandwiches) are filled with holy glory! (Joking! Yes I do, but what's the point of your question? This is philosophy, not cooking, so I won't give you any recipies...)

This gatta be the funniest question on philosophy section.

Yes, i make my own sandwitches and bless them.

No, send me a couple of ideas if you have the time.

love and blessings Don