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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is KINDNESS only typical of humans?

Question:Are animals kind?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are animals kind?

I think kindness is defined by species in its own specific needs. Are we the kinder species? Hum, I'm trying to think of any other group of animals aside from the human kind that has ever bombed or killed on a mass scale. Can't think of any. Has there ever been an account of any species on earth except for man kind to turn on its own for no reason but ego inflated motives? Still can't come up with anything. Has any other species but man tortured the very earth in needs to sustain its life, rendering it environmentally crippled. If kindness is define by nature then man is probably the least kind. But we're learning I hope.

I do not think so

I believe that some animals are compassionate because they've learned it from us. When I was sad and started to cry, my dog would bow her head and whimper along with me.

In humans, kindness takes an act of letting go of the ego.

Read, "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

Kindness is NOT typical of humans, it is typical of animals with their young, but that is not the case with human beings! Where did you take that idea from?

i have received kindness even from animals and birds.

When a dolphin is injured or sick, the other members of its pod will support it up at the surface so it can breathe and rest. Kindness is something you see in a lot of different creatures...its especially notable in social organisms.

Animals are kind. Animals can show love and affection and loyalty.

It is humans that are most unkind to their own. Next would be the Betta fish...not so kind, that one.

you have to be joking, humans are the most unkind ruthless beings on the planet, most animals only kill for survival, food. humans kill just because they don't like one another. anaimals struggle for servive and humans kill one another for a ciggerette. even monkeys take of their own but some us will shoot another for a couple bucks, or for nothing more than we got angry with them for a minute and some kill for fun

An interesting question!!!
Yes and no. Depends on the species of animal. But, this much I am sure that the opposite, that is --unkindness is the trait, possessed by us human beings only.

Yes, animals are kind, a old saying is that a dog is a man's best friend.

Elephants and Dolphins show kindness.