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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were a SOLDIER and were given an order to kill children suspected of help

Question:... kill your fellow soldiers, would you do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ... kill your fellow soldiers, would you do it?

i was a soldier during the so called veit nam war and there were never any orders to kill children but children were orderd to kill us. how many gi's would go to assist kids and get blown away as they were booby trapped. there are so many things happen in combat that one can never take back but have to live with for the rest of our lives although most of my friends have allready died. so maybe you have an answer to war that our government makes us live and die for. i hope so

Well if you think that you are going to join the military and actually do something good, then you should have just volunteered at the homeless shelter.

And then there are those people that think killing children is actually getting us somewhere.

Yes, and I would be guilt ridden for the rest of my life. However, as most of those who have been in combat will say, when in war you fight for each other. Your life depends upon those of your fellow soldiers.

Yes, because if i saw them doing that activity or had heard people talking about it, there would be no regrets...better them than me.

However, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation really. Cause not following orders is not an option for soldiers either...they just do what is asked of them.

you don't have a can get court martial and even go to know what you're getting into when you sign up for it