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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you befriend an ENEMY to defeat him?

Question:that would be the best way to eliminate your enemity and not the enemy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that would be the best way to eliminate your enemity and not the enemy.

Definitely, absolutely


oh yes...and he knows who is is, too...

It has been said to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So yes.

duh for sure. i have a couple right now who are my enemies but i act as though they're my friends.

No, I would befriend a supposed Enemy because they most likely have something to teach me regarding myself and my own spiritual evolvement on this realm we dwell in, Therefore, I'd rather get the message not shoot the messenger. Just my thoughts, Best of Luck to You on your Journey in Life!

for sure!

The best way to defeat an enemy is to make him your friend.

The first enemy to defeat is the enemy within oneself.

No, to me it would take a lot of hatred and expended energy. No thanks, I'm tired as it is. And what is more, I have better things to do and pursue.

Yes. All rulers in history have achieved their power by doing exactly that. Absolutely every single one.

No. you should befriend an enemy because it is the lack of frienships that makes hi defeat him would make you the same as him.

No, it would be easier to have him shot.

it's be hard not to, like, hurt her/him before getting to the point of friendship. so no.