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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why am I having trouble writing songs?!?! AGAIN!! what can I do to not feel so e

Question:really, i've been throught this before,
I write lyrics, all the time, and then add the guitar parts..

but latley nothing is coming out.. I wish I could control myself,
like wright whenever I want to,
and have sweet licks pour out whenever I need too..
does that mean i'm not talented or special if I can't do it when I need to??
I feel so empty.. what can I do to make me inspired again??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: really, i've been throught this before,
I write lyrics, all the time, and then add the guitar parts..

but latley nothing is coming out.. I wish I could control myself,
like wright whenever I want to,
and have sweet licks pour out whenever I need too..
does that mean i'm not talented or special if I can't do it when I need to??
I feel so empty.. what can I do to make me inspired again??

Inspiration for music comes to me at the most random moments. If you love music, music will love you back. Just keep trying, it has nothing to do with your talent.

One time I couldn't think of ANYTHING to write for MONTHS and then when one of my teachers was mean to me it sparked an angry inspiration.

I wrote several Angy, fast, and frustrated, pieces for piano after that, one of them accompanied by an orchestra.

Right now I feel just like you, I haven't composed anything in a long time which is a problem because I need to make something for an audition so I can get financial aid to go to a very exclusive music camp this summer, but I know I have to be patient, inspiration always comes eventually.

Let me know when it does...


Listen to more music, inspiration will come that way.

I am a lyric writer my self so i understand your pain of making up a song. The best things you can do is listen to music you or your friends like and wait for inspiration. Or you can rip something off but that aint a good idea!??

Lyric writing is the same as general writing... you are simply blocked. Put it all away for a day or two, clear your head with something empty headed, like walking through the mall or the Dollar Store, and come back to it. Also, what can jog your mind a bit is reading other words, or lyrics... pull out some music of other artist and read a bit. Read some poetry you haven't read before.

I got writers block once when I think I was 14... that lasted about a month! It was HORRIBLE. But, you will come through it.

Good luck!

I'm a lyricist to. I write constantly. Then I hit a block and have know idea where to go next with a song. So, I go to my place. Everyone has a place where they go and they get inspired. I go to one of two; my roof top or the old playground in the woods where there is always sun beating down through the tree tops and I can relax. That's step one relax. Go through my day and It's there. A word, an emotion, or a melody and I'm on my way. I hope that helps.

And of course it doesn't mean your untalented! You want something good to write about, not just some fluff that means nothing. So if anything, you are a talented and substantial human being for struggling for something that has meaning to you.


I am an oil painter and the same thing happens to me sometimes. I simply can't think of anything I want to paint.

When that happens, I simply sit in front of my canvas, and I start to mix colors without having any clue what is going to come of it. I start painting, and I allow my hand to create whatever it will. In the end, those turn out to be my most creative, interesting or beautiful paintings.

Take a pen and paper, sit down and start writing whatever comes out. Remember: writing is better left to feelings than to thoughts.


Ms. Miche ; })

That's easy, if you feel empty, write a song about feeling empty!...I'm sure it'll turn out great