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Position:Home>Philosophy> Nationality is an enemy to humanity?

Question:more than a question to me is a statement. The path towards human societys could not be obstructed. And nationalists would surely be an obstruction, regardless.why? because nationalists ideals fall in the hands of developed pride and becomes a distinct form of societys that florushes many barriers towards the path of humanity.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: more than a question to me is a statement. The path towards human societys could not be obstructed. And nationalists would surely be an obstruction, regardless.why? because nationalists ideals fall in the hands of developed pride and becomes a distinct form of societys that florushes many barriers towards the path of humanity.

It is an extended form of tribalism.

Eisenstein said it best.

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

- Albert Einstein

Love and blessings Don

you are right, but is it practical? would you open the borders of all the countries in the world to each other?
i would
but a lot of people that make guns will be out of work

national pride promotes difference, separation and a classification system that ultimately identities a hierarchy. This system is dangerous and unable to control the social need to compete for status which is the cause of conflict.

A united humanity will never exist but if it were possible then mankind would have to be blind, literally, and scattered, with great distances between them . Age is a great equalizer but we can not all be eighty at the same time. We do not send eighty year old men and women to war, just 17 year old Gap addicts..

nationality is the base for global integrity.not only the question of a nation,even domestic relations also needs a boundary. if you live, you can think about others, if you cross the limits and enter into others life or if you let any one into your life that leads to, by some means limits are for complete salvation.if one can be themselves only then they can love others.

Nationality has its pro's and con's
Of course it seperates people, and gives them an excuse to hate other people of a different nationality because they are different and not one of them but in a world of 6 billion people, Could we ever be one nationality with the world?.
I think nationality is so important because humans are so utterly different! And not only would we not be able to agree on anything, from government to schools, with nationalitys we can choose which country best meets our needs as individuals and we can live in a place with the government we like!
If there were no nationalitys, and we lived under one democratic rule, either some form of people would be oppressed or we would live in a world of extreme political correctness!

I don't think its anything to do with nationality but to do with the government in which we live in, i come from England and i feel that the government is to blame for the controversy to the racism and nastiness towards everyone, you can't say this or that, but different races can say things to you that are hurtful and if you say something back you are in trouble, at the end of the day we all have a heart, we all have blood, we all life, bleed, hurt, die so why can't the government butt out and stop racism becoming a bigger thing than it is, it is the government that has made everyone hate each not nationality but i know where you are coming from.