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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is good an absolute that loses its clarity as it emanates outward?

Question:If you mean moral good, yes, it i an absolute in the sense of there wold be ab objective standard that we use to measure it. But it does get confusing in real life, when there is a lot of differing oppinions and gray area.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you mean moral good, yes, it i an absolute in the sense of there wold be ab objective standard that we use to measure it. But it does get confusing in real life, when there is a lot of differing oppinions and gray area.

"Good" is probably not an absolute and don't know what you mean by "emanates outward." The remark sounds vaguely philosophical yet definitely "loses its clarity" as one thinks about it.

No. That is the totality of good. It is like light. It bends and reflects, what no matter how the light reflects, it always emanates the same light.

If it gets murky along the way, maybe it was not real to begin with, or it had to illuminate too much darkness on its way.