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Position:Home>Philosophy> Scary thought...are we human animals?

Question:We have created artifical world of language, commerce, economy etc.

When ever i look myself in mirror, i look like any another animal with nose, eyes, head etc.

Luckily or unluckily, i have got gray matter in brain which i can use to create more goods and services- The artifical world.

Isn't it scary to think about it- We are just like any other normal animal and using our intelligence we have created houses, computer, trains, planes, money etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We have created artifical world of language, commerce, economy etc.

When ever i look myself in mirror, i look like any another animal with nose, eyes, head etc.

Luckily or unluckily, i have got gray matter in brain which i can use to create more goods and services- The artifical world.

Isn't it scary to think about it- We are just like any other normal animal and using our intelligence we have created houses, computer, trains, planes, money etc.

I think you've touched on one of the underlying reasons many people are emotionally opposed to the concept of evolution. Evolution drives home the point that yes, we humans ARE animals just like all the rest.

We are indeed clever little hairless apes though. But then again, we wouldn't be here if we weren't. In the animal kingdom, humans are rather weak creatures. We don't have tough hide to protect us, we run slower than most animals, and we really don't have that much muscle strength either. On the African plains, our human ancestors were pretty easy pickings for predators.

To compensate for all these weaknesses, we evolved bigger brains which made us clever enough to outsmart both our predators and our prey. We became tool makers, and developed communication to pass knowledge from one person to another. These two breakthroughs gave us a huge advantage over the other animals, more than enough to compensate for our physical deficiencies. As a result, intelligence was strongly selected for, and over time we grew more and more intelligent.

One implication of this is that humans today are not the end-all and be-all of evolution. Over tens of thousands of years, we will continue to grow more naturally intelligent. People in the distant future will regard us today the same way we people of today regard Cro-magnons and Neanderthals. Our distant descendants will be more rational than we are and capable of deeper levels of thought.

Unless, of course, we grow clever enough to bypass natural evolution, and use science & technology to bootstrap our intellectual evolution on an exponentially faster timescale....

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  • no,it's not scary. what's scary is people who *don't* think about that.

    not so scary to me, interesting. We are animals, yes. and so little difference from chimps and we are capable of all this

    uh yeah, pik up a zoology book jack asker

    well ! of course we are.. isn't it obvious??

    Yes I am scared to be human for it means great responsibility, its easy for most of us to be animals, all the time.

    Absolutely, we also created the atom bomb, pollution, climate change, poverty and starving children, countries with borders, colonization........

    i think its pretty get scared..

    Actually we are animals. Go somewhere like Alaska, and you could feel very much like part of the food chain when a grizzly is nearby. Most wild animals -large, and small treat humans just like another animal.
    This one gets to me. Environmentalists closing off millions of acres in America to humans (via wilderness). This is unnaturally removing part of nature (man) from nature. This has never happened throughout time until now. What effect might that have on us, and the animals who live in a world without humans? WTF?!

    it is a scary thought -- but I don't believe in it. I haven't seen any other race of animal build cities or pyramids, or having courts to judge the guilty.

    Kevin, it has been known since pre-Socratic times that we are animals. The definition of our species is the "rational animal."

    Rationality is not scary. Neither is being animal. It is exciting, exhilarating, and the highest achievement of being the "rational animal" is the Aristotilean concept of "qua Man."

    "Qua Man" means all the good things that are predicated of being rational. No one can achieve them all--there are problems of lack of knowledge; mistakes of judgement; and plain old mistakes of any sort.

    But the next time you have an "original" idea, please turn to this book, because it covers all the topics, one by one, and explains what each of the great writers had to say on the subject.

    Angel; Animal; Aristocracy; Art; Astronomy; Beauty; Being; Cause; Chance; Change; Citizen; Constitution; Courage; Custom and Convention; Definition; Democracy; Desire; Dialectic; Duty; Education; Element; Emotion; Eternity; Evolution; Experience; Family; Fate; Form; God; Good and Evil; Government; Habit; Happiness; History; Honor; Hypothesis; Idea; Immortality; Induction; Infinity; Judgment; Justice; Knowledge; Labor; Language; Law; Liberty; Life and Death; Logic; Love; Man; Mathematics; Matter; Mechanics; Medicine; Memory and Imagination; Metaphysics; Mind; Monarchy; Nature; Necessity and Contingency; Oligarchy; One and Many; Opinion; Opposition; Philosophy; Physics; Pleasure and Pain; Poetry; Principle; Progress; Prophecy; Prudence; Punishment; Quality; Quantity; Reasoning; Relation; Religion; Revolution; Rhetoric; Same and Other; Science; Sense; Sign and Symbol; Sin; Slavery; Soul; Space; State; Temperance; Theology; Time; Truth; Tyranny; Universal and Particular; Virtue and Vice; War and Peace; Wealth; Will; Wisdom; World