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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is a promise?

Question:Philosophically speaking, the promise is that which portends to be.

I could say, "The promise of philosophy is that the examined life is that which is worth living."

This type of statement engenders trust regarding the reward for making certain afformentioned efforts. Most theories either live or die by their ability to uphold such promises.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Philosophically speaking, the promise is that which portends to be.

I could say, "The promise of philosophy is that the examined life is that which is worth living."

This type of statement engenders trust regarding the reward for making certain afformentioned efforts. Most theories either live or die by their ability to uphold such promises.

are u serious?

Something that should be kept out of respect.

A promise is something you make with a person thats important to you. You promise to not let anyone know what they said.

a promise is a word that means to me is trust because if trust a person he can promise you anything..

A best intention. Circumstance is a pitch.

A promise is whne you give someone your words of honor about something