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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are green eggs and ham an appropriate governmental ideology?

Question:in the sense that people should be offered the opportunity to try things in a million different places and ways, the only stipulation being that all propositional sentences rhyme?

or are you saying that governmental authority can be appealed to for revolution in a million different circumstances before the people finally have success?

either way, it's too close minded

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in the sense that people should be offered the opportunity to try things in a million different places and ways, the only stipulation being that all propositional sentences rhyme?

or are you saying that governmental authority can be appealed to for revolution in a million different circumstances before the people finally have success?

either way, it's too close minded

For all the government is worth? Yes!

We should probably ask Dr. Suess. I doubt that was his original intent.

id say check the sell by date!!!

and, and we can get dr. seuss to endorse it too...