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Position:Home>Philosophy> Happiness, or contentment?

Question:which would you value more?

tell me why.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: which would you value more?

tell me why.

Contentment. Happiness inherently cancels itself out once we become bored with it.

happyness. but bigger highs normally mean bigger lows...

Happiness because whats the point of being ok all the time when u can have so much more

Who creates happiness and/or contentment? You do. You are the one creating them and the one feeling them. Nobody can create either one for you, and they don't come from outside of you. So choose to create both whenever you wish to. Reality is whatever you make it.

Contentment, for how can one be happy without being content at all? Happiness without contentment does not last more than fraction of seconds.

shouldn't these two go hand in hand? how can one be content if that person is not in a happy place? and how can one be happy if that person don't feel a sense of contentment? and i don't think you can value one more than the other.