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Question:we are only but guests on this place we call earth.can one see how humanity has abused this welcome ?
we point the finger at each other accusing one another of faults. ( including the person writing these words ).we write words of virtue and compassion, sorrow of ones mis-givings .just where dose that lead ? does it solve the problems ,so many problems that are escalating at a compressed rate.
i do not see any answers through stale knowledge ,do you ?
if you cling to beliefs just for the matter of existince or to maintain ones sanity what will that lead to ?
it's very sad to see humanity try to solve problems after the fact,when all along could have been avoided.
compassion is not a rememberence of what is the act of doing at this moment.there is no future,the future is what the past has made now.the future is this moment.
nature will take of her self when it is time,she will step in when she feels the need to.
no power in all the heavens will stop this.tis her choice,,,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: we are only but guests on this place we call earth.can one see how humanity has abused this welcome ?
we point the finger at each other accusing one another of faults. ( including the person writing these words ).we write words of virtue and compassion, sorrow of ones mis-givings .just where dose that lead ? does it solve the problems ,so many problems that are escalating at a compressed rate.
i do not see any answers through stale knowledge ,do you ?
if you cling to beliefs just for the matter of existince or to maintain ones sanity what will that lead to ?
it's very sad to see humanity try to solve problems after the fact,when all along could have been avoided.
compassion is not a rememberence of what is the act of doing at this moment.there is no future,the future is what the past has made now.the future is this moment.
nature will take of her self when it is time,she will step in when she feels the need to.
no power in all the heavens will stop this.tis her choice,,,

This is just the sort of question that will bring out all of the "Soap Box " preachers. Right or wrong the answer lies somewhere in the conglomerate of words that have tried to answer the question.
But you know what the answer is any way, don't you? You gave it in the last few words of your last edition.


very well said

Utopia is a myth....there is only the eternal are what you think or project in the futur

The present is this moment, which will be the past when you read this in the future.

It always strikes me as odd when people describe humans as being outside of nature. everything we are and do is part of the function of the planet we happen to inhabit. On a larger scale, as Carl Sagan used to say, "we are star stuff". We are just very small parts of an unimaginable universe, but we think so much of ourselves. we feel like we have purpose, and everything we do has such great impact.
When Mt. St. Helens erupted in the eighties, it ejected more carbon monoxide into the atmosphere than everything we have done since the industrial revolution, but we think that we are changing the weather. Life is life, no purpose, no reason. It just is.

i don't agree with this: "nature will take of her self when it is time,she will step in when she feels the need to.
no power in all the heavens will stop this.tis her choice,,,"

i agree with everything else and wish i had an answer for all humanities troubles


1. No...we are just doling along the course of things. Maybe we were meant to self destruct.
2. It leads to inner enlightenment either way...what you find faulty in others is what you usually find at fault with yourself. When you write, it is your ideas and ideals flowing forth from your inner fount.
3. No, it doesn't solve problems, but it sure makes life interesting. (i.e. soap operas and town gossip)
4. Yes I do, stale knowledge is still knowledge none the least, and at best what may be stale to you maybe brand new to someone else.
5. A holy roller, a politician, or someone that will have serious issues, but won't know how to deal with them. There is that one in a million chance tho you know....
6. Yes it is sad that we could have avoided the problem, but then again history does repeat itself, so there's probably a lot of stuff humans could have avoided repetitively, but yet we still venture down the same path. Remember, history is written by the winners, not the losers.
7. Compassion is sympathy...not empathy. You are right on that one.
8. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."-Robert Frost
9. Of course she will...Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, and Grandfather Stars are all the backup she needs for us ungrateful hooligans. ;)

We're not perfect, but we're better than we were.

Genocide is no longer the standard operating procedure in warfare for the majority of nations.

The number of people starving to death on this planet every year is one third what it wasd 50 years ago - it is within our power to eradicate starvation.

Several diseases have been eradicated, more can be if we wish to do so.

We are starting to take care of this planet. We will succeed in doing so.

There are fewer wars going on now than at any time in the last 100 years.

You look at the problems, I see a more balanced view.

We're not perfect, but we're better than we were.

Americans need to be shown that nature is more powerful than we are. I am ashamed to be both american and human

A sense of humor and an appreciation of the wonder of life might make things a little more cheery.
A seeker only finds that which he looks for so be careful when you begin your journey. You choose your path, at least if you have the strength to. You sound like the path you chose wasn't the right one for you.
Aside from that, some of what you say is not clear . Nature? We are a part of nature. Aren't we or do you think otherwise?

If the world is the way it is because of the collective mind, it may be best for you to not search for others to agree with you. You may tip the balance and therefor create the terrible things that you think are true.