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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can I find something when I don't even know what to look for?

Question:If you long for something will come...eventually

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you long for something will come...eventually

Seek... but seek nothing. You will eventually find something to your liking.

Start from scratch. Let me help.

Don't bother, it will come to you.

peace and love

i honestly DUNNO

By stopping worrying about finding the 'something' and concentrating on experiencing life in the hope that by doing that you will someday find what you were looking for.

hmmm i guess it's like walking through a maze with your eyes shut, you know there's an something, an exit, somewhere, but you can't always figure out where, and you definitely not know when you'll find it.. the worst thing you could do is standing still, in the dark, as many false steps are made by standing still ; i guess your only choice is just to take it a day at a time and see what happens, eventually, when you find it, you'll know exactly, or almost that THIS was what you were looking for from the start.

Can you give an example?

You not going to find anything if you dont know what to look for. You need to stop looking, and take time to reflect and figure out what it is you want. Also a lot of time when you stop looking, and the pressure is off then it just comes to you more naturally.

If you seek, you shall find.