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Position:Home>Philosophy> Lol, is this mainstream human nature?

Question:what we don't understand is stupid. if what we think is stupid works it must be evil and punishable by HELL! if what we think is stupid defeats us we must tell all our friends so they can help defeat the stupid thing we can't put down. its ok for me to do that but not for you. i'm right, your wrong so i walk around with a snobby look on my face that expresses the inner emotions i just described...


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what we don't understand is stupid. if what we think is stupid works it must be evil and punishable by HELL! if what we think is stupid defeats us we must tell all our friends so they can help defeat the stupid thing we can't put down. its ok for me to do that but not for you. i'm right, your wrong so i walk around with a snobby look on my face that expresses the inner emotions i just described...


human nature it to fear the unknown ..
by making it evil or stupid the mind can
handle the situation by pretending it's not real

But if you dare .. keep walking
and you will arrive in places others fear to go

Regarding the snobs ... I'm SURE you are to far
to good for them .. so don't waist your time and energy .. lol


No, this is not mainstream human nature. What is stupid to you may not be stupid for me. Depends on who we are when we interpret something.


Yes it is.

No, stopping a snob that's headed for self destruction is not in my nature.

You see the sooner we rid our existence of snobs the sooner the rest of us can enjoy life more fully. So may the snob truck on. The crash is just up the road.

"Not now, indeed, nor yesterday, but for aye
It lives, and no man knows what time it came."

*scratch head*
I was going to say "That does'nt apply where I live".
However you might say that I was being snobbish. Lol

Ok, maybe I am wrong. I like to believe that when I see people attempt to understand, they really are trying very very hard to understand, and are not just simply pretending to try to look like they are trying to understand.

Truth is, I dont know what you want everybody to understand.. Maybe it is best to move into the city or in big cosmopolitan areas where you are not being scrutinized under a microscope all the time. Live your life the best way you can, so long as you do not hurt other people. Exile yourself, so to speak.

My drill instructor used to say two things which may bear on this...err...question.
1. KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid (or perhaps Keep it Stupid, Simple).

2. If something's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid.

Huh? I don't understand. That's just stupid. You'll go to Hell for that you know. *walks away with nose high in the air*


Raji the Green Witch