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Position:Home>Philosophy> I Can Have My Way More Often, If I Have More Than One Way...?

Question:"We find ourselves doing battle with the world if we turn every dispute into a confrontation. Seldom do any two of us see something in exactly the same way. This diversity is what makes life interesting-rich and educational. If any one ego dominated how all of us perceived every incident, life would be boring at best.

We ALL want our own opinion to dominate.
Perhaps it's merely human to want our ego in charge. Or maybe that's only true of people as insecure as us...But we can change...We can learn to let other's be right too.

There are many reactions to any situation. Our own way will serve occasionally. We have the opportunity to learn alternative responses too"
Woman's Spirit.

So what do you feel...are you open or even curious how other's view things?
Do you feel that it is something that you should work on?
If not, why?

This is something, for me, that I have to be very mindful of.

So what say you...about you?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "We find ourselves doing battle with the world if we turn every dispute into a confrontation. Seldom do any two of us see something in exactly the same way. This diversity is what makes life interesting-rich and educational. If any one ego dominated how all of us perceived every incident, life would be boring at best.

We ALL want our own opinion to dominate.
Perhaps it's merely human to want our ego in charge. Or maybe that's only true of people as insecure as us...But we can change...We can learn to let other's be right too.

There are many reactions to any situation. Our own way will serve occasionally. We have the opportunity to learn alternative responses too"
Woman's Spirit.

So what do you feel...are you open or even curious how other's view things?
Do you feel that it is something that you should work on?
If not, why?

This is something, for me, that I have to be very mindful of.

So what say you...about you?


Beautifully put!

There are, unfortunately, emotional intelligent rejects out there in society. As you put it "If any one ego dominated how all of us perceived every incident, life would be boring at best." They are a spice in the melting pot of life too. For me, they are an example on how not to interact with others, but I CHOOSE not to mingle with them, the beauty of life, I can choose.

I've learned that again, as you put it, we all have our ideas and opinions. When we share those ideas and opinions and really listen to others ideas and opinions, great things can happen. I consider myself an intelligent young woman but I have an open mind that is just generally thirsty for information, be it from class or people's many different views on a wide variety of subjects.

I was never put on a pedistol in life and raised to believe or think that my way was the only way. I am a natural student of human nature, totally content to watch from the side lines and take in whatever the show is. Confident enough to voice my thoughts and opinions when asked or I feel it nessicary to share.

Then again, I don't believe in some of these mental sicknesses either, like ADD or ADHD or bi-polar. Yes, all people go through periods of depression and manic stages of happiness. Don't slap an excuse on it and take drugs that cause our sensitive brains to go into a state of constant chemical inbalance! Better yet, don't take a child so full of energy and pump him full of drugs and change him into a uniform standard! Take the time to learn how he learns so we can teach him and embrace him as he is!

I'm so sorry! I'm ranting now! lol This question really got my mind going though.

I think there is always more than one possibility in any given situation. However, as humans we all think one way is better than another... this is were the theory of compromising came from. When people compromise, it leads to logical satisfaction, not emotional satisfaction... we all still deeply feel that OUR WAY is the RIGHT WAY. In conclusion you cannot have your way more often if you have more than one way... this statement is not even grammatically correct... in the end you are entitled to one opinion and one alone. Can you change it... by all means, but as humans we are very narrow minded... this is why we vote on things as well

I hope this answer was thorough and informative....

Sure, you can have your way more often if you're willing to consider an opposing view. But at what cost? If we compramise our convictions, what damage do we do to ourselves? We may lose our integrity, reputation, even friends. But who knows... it might just be worth it.

I personally tend to be too open minded, because I don't want to offend anybody. I don't think it's healthy.
Yet to close off your mind to other views out there isn't healty either. We should never be afraid to question our values when they are challenged. Sidenote: Socrates is the man.

I try and see the Guru in every person I meet. Everyone has some knowledge that i do not. So maybe they have the missing piece that i need to understand.
Also the stubborn and the rude, serve to remind me of my own imperfections. They are the perfect opportunity for spiritual growth.
Unfortunately i forget this, not as often as i used to but still more often than i want.

Then again sometimes I'm right and people should just do what i say. Grrrrrr

I have a long way to go. that was amazing

if we can speak about our opinion is that a way to tell some one exacltly ehwhat we are fell ing bewcuae letters are about facts like shapes

its so ture but i think it does count 2 no1....LOL