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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is philosophy a collection about the facts of life or opinions of life?

Question:It is much more about opinions than facts, actually, as statements in philosophy are often contradictory; let alone existentialism, a fifth branch of philosophy invented and perfected by french philosopher Jean Paul Sartre as a shrewd way to spread communism and anti-capitalism, through an indirect and more subtle way, so that people who study it (especially teenagers) be unaware that they are endocrinating themselves to communism.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is much more about opinions than facts, actually, as statements in philosophy are often contradictory; let alone existentialism, a fifth branch of philosophy invented and perfected by french philosopher Jean Paul Sartre as a shrewd way to spread communism and anti-capitalism, through an indirect and more subtle way, so that people who study it (especially teenagers) be unaware that they are endocrinating themselves to communism.

Philosophy is the human attempt to define the undefinable.

They form part of philosophy because ethics as one of the fields of philosophy deals with the philosophy of life It delves into the deepest whys and wherefores of human existence, men's actions, problems and destiny.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

philosophy is meant to be objective that is to say not influenced by opinion ,,this is of course a very difficult state to reach given that our very ability to think at all is influenced by background, education, situation etc, but the ideal is objectivity and logical progression, if I say to you that my table has four legs, and my dog has four legs, therefore the table is a dog it is acceptable as an opinion but not as a philosophy, unless you are a christian of course


it is about justifications of intentions,behaviors and actions.

whether they are right or wrong.
