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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is life really like a box of chocolates?

Question:Life is great when it's like a box of chocolates but sometimes it's not. We like to think that it is and we should all count are blessings and be glad that we were given life, but we all have our problems at work, school, at home etc. Life becomes a box of chocolates when all these problems are left behind and you can just relax with your friends.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Life is great when it's like a box of chocolates but sometimes it's not. We like to think that it is and we should all count are blessings and be glad that we were given life, but we all have our problems at work, school, at home etc. Life becomes a box of chocolates when all these problems are left behind and you can just relax with your friends.

no, it's not, its more like a bed of nettles (the stinging variety)

no. its more like a bag of mixed nuts.

I think so. I hate the truffles.

yes, the ones you buy at the discount shop for $1.50 and that you can't help feeling disappointed by, even though you knew they would be lousy. Unless you are very, very lucky.

well you normally know what you are gonna get in a box of chocolates by reading the card but in life you never know whats coming

Yes, but some of the chocolates are poisoned. Now TAKE ONE!

sometimes it's more like a toilet

depends on if you like chocolate?

It is only true to those who have more in life. Those born with a silver spoon live a good life. For them, it is a life of happiness jsut like a box of chocolates.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

Yes. And too frequently I get the Crunchy Frog surprise

sure is you have to see through the paper to get at the chocolate

To some extent,my dear,your simile expression answers your question.It is a perfect rhetorical question.However,my definition of life is:"Life is an uncertain and unpredictable preparation for death".Why I didn't fully agree with you immediately has a substantial reason-in a box of chocolates you know exact or approximate number of chocolates,but the same can not be asserted about the box of life,because it might be your,my,or our last moment on this earth.Bless you.Raja Sir.