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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could have achieve anything you wanted, what would it be?

Question:But it has to be a realistic personal goal.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: But it has to be a realistic personal goal.

Build homes for the needy. Like what Extreme Home Makeover does, but not as exquisite. Just basic, affordable, low-cost housing. For those in a rough spot in their lives.

Well if I could have anything I wanted it would be a world full of totally ENLIGHTENED, Mentally HEALTHY, Toatally COOL PEOPLE..............because PEOPLE are what really make this world a HELL on earth. So if I ..............................O WAIT>>>>>>>>>you said it has to be REALISTIC.......................OK......... good JOB where I would get to affect change..........and impliment policy in an educational facility. And someone special who loves me as I them who will be themselves with me and love me for myself. And I would like to WIN the lottery and be able to have time to engage in my CREATIVE interests FILM PHOTOGRAPHY cool friends or a really cool friend I could relate to.

well that all depends on what you consider realistic. the only thing in this world i would want to achieve more then anything is to find someone to truly love that will love me in return. some people thinks thats not very realistic but I beleive it doesn't get any realer then that

I want a 100 million tax free dollars, realism is set by the goal achiever. It is possible and I am working hard everyday and when I get it look for me in the papers. Sky's the limit

be a billionaire

I would want to fall madly in love and live the rest of my life without any fears and hope for the best. Oh, and become a famous artist and be remembered for something, big or small.