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Position:Home>Philosophy> How are dentures and stars alike?

Question:they both come out at night

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: they both come out at night

they both come out at night.

They both come out at night. Ha!

They don't chew bubble gum.

peace and love

If you at the least understand the ideas of the big bang, and are not completly involved in "God" than the idea states that everything is made up of the same materials. Everything in the universe is made from the same base particle. Which if you think about just on earth, is appearing to be true, you break water into its chemical compounds which can be broken into atoms, into protons/electron/neutrons, into quarks...and it continues, everything is made of one smll particle arranged in different ways, let it be dentures or stars.

When the stars lose their teeth, they get dentures.

They're both fake.

... Only if you mean "stars" as in Hollywood stars.