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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the relation of grammar to meaning & understanding?

Question:Grammar is independent of meaning and understanding.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Grammar is independent of meaning and understanding.

A statement contAining all correct parts of speech and grammar usage gives the exact and profound meaning the writer wants to convey. Otherwise wrong grammar may alter the meaning of what that writer/person is trying to convey, therefore there would misunderstanding of what the real meaning of the statement is to readers.

Semantics, eh?

Grammar is extremely important to meaning and understanding in that the primary motive for communication is not necessarily to communicate well so that two parties are on the same platform.


"I love you."

That appears to be rather an innocent remark, but "I love YOU," implies there is another party I do not love. Or "I LOVE you," makes the action more important than the two parties involved. Further, "I loved you," puts in the past tense, implying that the action is no longer current.

Then there is, "I did it." Simple. But "I was going to do it," conveys a different tone than, "I will do it."

This is all incredibly complicated stuff that I can't make easy. Check out some linguists. They might seem dull at first but they usually start out entire systems of thought such as Structuralism.