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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you think we live there ?if the world is going to end?

Question:We live here because of a plausible accident. Because life is statistical possibility and because the universe is almost infinite, it comes to be that an infinite number of possibilities at one point or another exist. Some cosmologists believe there is a statistical chance that we are just brains floating in space imagining a world that statistically we happen to inhabit...weird huh. Read the article below. I think the world stands a chance of ending any day, but that isn't to say I expect it. Frankly a giant star 2000 lights years away could have exploded 1999.99 light years ago and we might not see it, let alone feel its devastating effects, until next week. In my opinion value every year, season, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second. Life is fragile and we are lucky.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We live here because of a plausible accident. Because life is statistical possibility and because the universe is almost infinite, it comes to be that an infinite number of possibilities at one point or another exist. Some cosmologists believe there is a statistical chance that we are just brains floating in space imagining a world that statistically we happen to inhabit...weird huh. Read the article below. I think the world stands a chance of ending any day, but that isn't to say I expect it. Frankly a giant star 2000 lights years away could have exploded 1999.99 light years ago and we might not see it, let alone feel its devastating effects, until next week. In my opinion value every year, season, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second. Life is fragile and we are lucky.

Because God made it so

God needed someone to take care of the animals and things He created. He knew we would corrupt ourselves but only if Adam and Eve had eaten the apple. In which they did. God felt pity for them and allowed them to live outside of Eaden.

Wherelse are we to live?

Because the primary purpose of ones life is to end.
The secondary purpose of ones life is to procreate (have kids) and keep the human race going, although you hit a dead end there, because those 2 purposes hit paradox status almost.

Because god created earth.
Everyone if going to die eventually :]

For the experience.

Because if you didn't you wouldn't be asking this question. The end of the world seems to be about four or five billion years in the future, why are you worried about that now?

Is there a reason not to?

Being granted the chance to live on this planet, we should continue to do so.

Even if we know the world is going to end, we still live.

Even though we will wake up, we set up an alarm

Even though we may or may not find love, we go searching for it.

Even though what we build will eventually die, we build it.

Even though we will die, we make endeavors to learn.

Even though we may not come back, we venture more.

Even though the world will end, we continue to live.