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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is better: an egg or a wheelbarrow?

Question:wheelbarrow, you can put an egg in a wheelbarrow, but you cant put a wheelbarrow in an egg

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: wheelbarrow, you can put an egg in a wheelbarrow, but you cant put a wheelbarrow in an egg

if your hungry an egg

it would depend on whether you were incubating chickens or cleaning out the hen house.....

An egg, you could get it to hatch and then raise yourself some chickens, have more eggs, plus some meat. A wheelbarrow only helps you to make your work a little easier. Less worth in my book.

Wheelbarrows. Has to be wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrows favourite.

A wheelbarrow.

Eggs are clearly better than wheelbarrows. Eggs can form life, wheelbarrows just carry stuff.
And you can't eat a wheelbarrow, or make a cake with it.

an egg anyday.

It's strictly a toss up of need.

ask a one legged man

The wheelbarrow. You can use it to shift a huge amount of eggs. Some you can eat, some you can sell. The results are 1 you will be nourished by the extra eggs that you have eaten. 2 the profit you make can be invested, from which you can buy hens and chicken rearing equipment. You will thus end up with more eggs and more people will be nourished.

Some of those so nourished may go on to improve the wheelbarrow. Some of them may go on to treat pathological debaters like me.

Have fun

The wheelbarrow.
Nobody asks "Which Came First, the wheel or the wheelbarrow"

Wheelbarrow. Sell it on ebay, use the profits to buy SEVERAL EGGS!


it depends on your mood of the day

Well, my family's company owns a few thousand wheel barrows I'd estimate, and eggs are cheap as stones, I'd have to choose the wheelbarrow.

That will now depend on the productivity of the egg or what kind of egg.if its fertilized, then you may get to multiply it.And if its a unique/rear egg, then you get to sell it or simply eat it and get the nutrients.
so if its fertilized,you will hatch out a chick and multiply later,that is if there are more chicken around .This process will also give you some free time to do certain things as it goes on.

As for wheelbarrow, it needs, constant attention.if you don't push it, it will not you are restricted to one task at a time. What ever you get is equals to what you have done per day.
Though, on the other hand, you can also use it for hirer and you will defiantly be able to do something else too.But this will defiantly depend on where you live.
In my conclusion, if you live in a country that is developing, a wheelbarrow would be the best option.
But if you live in a developed country, i think an egg would be an option.
Interesting question.Thanks

A thought experiment:

A magical fairy flies down to you and says "Hi mate, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'm going to have to either eliminate all of the eggs in the world, OR, I have to eliminate all of the wheelbarrows in the world."

Would I feel a greater sense of loss if:
chickens no longer existed?
OR wheelbarrows no longer existed?

So the answer is the egg. Life is more important than technology.