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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it man who brings order to the world?

Question:Relatively speaking, yes. But it is an ongoing process.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Relatively speaking, yes. But it is an ongoing process.

I'm pretty sure man has brought chaos. From the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth man was not in control of the order. Nor are we now. I think it is obvious that our world is not in order. And man isn't doing a very good job.

No I believe it is God. Man had the innate ability to bring about chaos and destruction. Read the histories of any nation and you will see that with our sense of order we bring destruction and chaos. I don't care how old the civilization is or how long it has been dead it all shows the same thing. Sooner or later we upset the natural order of things God set straight.
But there is a good side to this. God is the most forgiving entity ever! Soon enough (and I don't know when) God will bring His order to us once again and we will not be able to upset the balance again. And He will forgive us for what we have done in our stewardship of this planet. Those who really want it and ask for it anyways.

This was the conceit of modernity, and the attempt at the imposition of order brought with it totalitarianism and destruction.

I heard somewhere since Jesus came to earth and the whole of Christianity was blown out of proportion, hailing MAN as the creator and Woman as the dirty side project, who committed original sin, there has been approximately 22 hours of peace in the world. That is to say, there has been at least one war going on somewhere in the world almost constantly for the last 2000 years.

I can't quote a reliable source for that fact (it was my Religious Studies teacher in sixth form), but since man has ruled and women (the givers of life) were shunned and downtrodden, men has waged testosterone and money fuelled wars.

If women were given an equal slice of the power pie, there would probably still be some sanity in the world.

Man brings chaos and order. We are the creators and destroyers of life. Isn't it ironic?

no i beleive it is man who sees order in the world when it is nothing more than a coincidence!

I believe the world has established it's own order, survival of the fit-ist. It's man who has created kayos.

nature brings order to the world-earth wind fire and water