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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree that MORALITY has to flexible?

Question:Sometimes we have to ignore Morality in order to save it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sometimes we have to ignore Morality in order to save it?

I agree.

Morality is not exact science. It deals with human being, and human beings are never fixed.

It depends on the specific cases, on culture - religion - race - country - village - time ...,
It depends on the motives & the consequences, so much more...

"Principles" have to be inflexible / firm.

Morality on the other hand, is NOT principle / rule / guide. It's NORM / Standard. It can differs, it can be altered, etc...

That's my opinion

i agree ENTIRELY!
...but flexibly.

I like flexible. Who is this Morality, is she cute? :p

no thats rubbish. morality is supposed to be a test of character ESPECIALLY in situations where you can easily twist it.

Yes I agree, I mean to use a cliched example ... it is wrong to steal .. but what if you have to steal in order to feed your starving family?

Or even something simple as lying, people can say it's wrong to lie but we all have to do it in order to not offend others at times, yet we should be honest about the important things.

Morality has to be flexible, but people should not use that flexibility in order to shrug off their moral responsibilities.

I was looking at my morality and trying to think of an instance when I would need to be more flexible but I couldn't.

I suppose in weird times like war time morals get a shake up.
I would really need a fr'instance its hard to think about in the abstract - as morality is so diverse. I take mine from the law which is pretty inflexible if you're caught you pay and the wiccan creed an it harm none do as you will. Most of what I do couldn't harm anyone

So those of you that disagree feel your own moral code can be applied to everyone on the planet? How do you apply that to differences in cultures? Think about all those nice respectable US soldiers righteously killing off those heathen Amerindians-and justifying to beat the band.
That's only one example, too.

I think that morality is circumstantial.

No, I think that in today's world we like to think that morality is relative, but I don't think morality should be anywhere near as flexible as we allow it to be.
That's a fundamental problem today, we should have more inflexible morals. There are fundamentals that, if we stuck to, would result in a happier world.

what is morality ?