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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is BAD HUMOUR a serious thing?

Question:Do you think third rate quality movies or series comedies on Cinema and TV are to blame for this funless world?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think third rate quality movies or series comedies on Cinema and TV are to blame for this funless world?

No, I blame capitalism and a gross deficit in the early interaction between mother and child.

it becomes a serious thing when it affects the other persons self esteem

it only becomes serious when someone is being hurt. then the fun is gone- or should be.

I will admit that the idea of comedy today is rather sick. What some people call humor borders on major physiological disorders. It is teaching our children that hurting people (physically or emotionally) and disgusting behavior is acceptable. It's no wonder that we have so many children breaking laws ........ they think it is all a joke - they did it in the movie and it worked.......

As long as you do not die laughing humour is a good thing.

The " funless" world as you describe it is only funless to those who for some reason never developed their sense of play and have become humourless.

I think that most things are more funny than serious.

No, I don't. People have the choice to watch what they want and if that is how you feel after watching comedy then maybe you should watch something else.

If it heart to some one then...