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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is beauty related to power?

Question:Yes, of course. A human organization naturally chooses the most attractive (beautiful) to lead. You can observe this very simply by looking at corporate, government, military leadership structures and many others.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, of course. A human organization naturally chooses the most attractive (beautiful) to lead. You can observe this very simply by looking at corporate, government, military leadership structures and many others.

in a sense, it was originally mating power, now it is more than that


Yes, but only if beauty comes with brains.

depends on the circumstance and the source of judgment ,
power is not always beautiful and also beautiful is sometimes not that powerful .
just look at it in this way , something that is beautiful is always loved and appreciated , but something that is powerful and stong e.g war , atomic bomb is not beautiful

Can be depends on the context..

i would say yes and no it gives u an edge to gaining power but it is not the reason for it

That's what beauty is, power, strength, love, and kindness...

Depends on the arena. For women, yes, sadly it mostly still is. We are still judged kindly or harshly on that basis.

Only if you're greedy.

according to kant beauty is not related to power in any way. beauty is that which we view in a disinterested way, i.e. without motive, simply because it is beautiful

I don't think so.