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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are the benefits of being intoxicated with OPTIMISM?

Question:Are you a WHINER, like most?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are you a WHINER, like most?

benefits would be a happy dispositon which would make one pleasant; being hopeful which would could get one far and never giving up.

Nope, I'm an OPTIMIST. The negative side never gets you anywhere.

For me the glass is always half full....having said that I always keep an eye on the other half ....experience of life i think...........


Literal meaning of optimism does not mean that you ignore the darker side. It only means that you always keep on trying with positive attitude. Intoxication has no place in optimism. A whiner can never be an optimistic person in real sense.

As for me --- I am moderately whiner. After all I am a human being, not a saint and at times fail to stick to the line.