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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think MANUAL work is harder, in general, than MENTAL work?

Question:Both are easy, if you synchronize both with proper balance maintained. Otherwise, both are harder.
Manual work requires a sound physique, whereas, metal work, sometimes gives you tensions sufficient enough to make you mentally unsound.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Both are easy, if you synchronize both with proper balance maintained. Otherwise, both are harder.
Manual work requires a sound physique, whereas, metal work, sometimes gives you tensions sufficient enough to make you mentally unsound.

of course not mental work is much more harder. Fulfilling and worthwhile also.

no, a physically demanding job is not as hard as a mentally challenging job. imho

Yes I think manual work is harder than mental work, but that's because I'm not a physical person and I am more of a brainiac. Mental work, even when hard, is extremely enjoyable. Manual work usually involves a lot of repetition and little mental stimulation -- I can't stand that. I'm not only exhausted, I'm intensely bored.

It's surely harder on the body.

No. Manual labor is tough. But you can heal.

Mental labor can occur for weeks. It can DESTROY you...
or give you a headache.

Both types of work can be hard ..

Manual work tires physically,.. operates in the real world.. now time .....mental work can also be just as tiring but can operate in the dimensions manual work can't...example in the past or future....manual work can't of course..

It is when you have to use your hands.