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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who defines if something is beautiful?

Question:i mean designers and all these companies make up trends and all but is it really beautiful? what is beauty really?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i mean designers and all these companies make up trends and all but is it really beautiful? what is beauty really?

beauty is just a word, if someone hadnt come up with the word beautiful there would have been another word for that that we would find just at intriguing.
I think that it is you that decides on what is "beautiful", people can think things are beautiful that you dont, its all about what you percieve as worthy to be classed as beautiful.
great question!

beauty is up to you.
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Beauty has more to do with the person than the fashions. I probably wouldn't look good in any of your clothes

i think beauty depends on our own point of view,,,,everyone has their own point of view so beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

Thats a really hard question i have wondered the same thing, i think beauty is like they say in the eye of the beholder. everybody has a different perception of beauty. many people will look at a movie star and think she is beautiful because they cant see flaws she just looks fake which i dont think is right. i think that only you can decide whats beautiful. having no flaws is not beauty, beauty to me is having flaws and excepting them and loving them and having another love them. although one person might think a person is ugly another may think they are beautiful.

beauty is a matter of opinion.

beauty is what god makes !!!

Beauty is fully reliant on an observer, and interpreter. think would something be considered beautiful if there were no one to consider it. beauty is a cultural concept. every thing is independent of us. the sun rise in the morning happens just like it does (cause earths rotation) and is used to every day in space. it just does its thing without any description or narrative needed when it is by itself. but when we look and say that s beautiful we are only reflecting that there is a visual stimulus that is occurring. things are what and the way they are because you in your mind make them what they are by thinking about them. by limiting them with your language, from being every thing.

Beauty is what pleases the eye and the soul. It is a highly subjective notion though. Tastes differ so greatly that there is no such thing as something that is "objectively" beautiful --there will always be disagreement.
Time changes notions of beauty. A clothing style widely thought to be attractive 2 years ago might be considered laughable today, for example.
The pressure of the mob and even geographic location also influence what is considered beautiful.
For example: I recall a young woman moving from Colorado to Connecticut. In Colorado her hair was much praised, but in Connecticut she was laughed at for having "big hair."
In the end, the designers and the officers of fashion companies and retail fashion outlets are stuck making an educated guess as to what the public will buy.
All they can do is evaluate the drawings and any finished examples to see if the designs fit in with any known trends, if they are pleasing to the eye (of the fashionistas at least), if they would appeal to the buyers of the big retailing accounts and if they would be fun to wear.
If the line is made and it flies off the racks at retail, then it is at least beautiful in a practical, dollars-and-cents way.

In some circumstances beauty is in simitry, in others beauty is in the golden ratio. Check out the following link for all the useless text.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's all a matter of opinion. What I might think is beautiful you might think is hideous. It's how you perceive the world.

While something can be beautiful to one person and then ugly to another I believe that generally the media guides our standards of beauty

...don't fall into the commercial beauty trap...a lot of it is cr@p trying to outdo the next is where you see it...if it's in commercialism, then that's beauty to you, for example...most prefer to make up their own mind and that in itself is beautiful

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it...Confucius.

Good luck!

It's in the eye of the beholder.