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Position:Home>Philosophy> I NOT BROKE ANY COMMUNITY GUIDE LINE,WHY my account has been suspended?

Question:friends i had made an account with john,i had give about 40 answers in 2 days,i never use ruff language or never broke any community guide line,i gave all the answers corroctly and in a disciplane way,i dont know after 2 days why my account is suspended,I THINK THIS YAHOO ANSWERS SITE IS COMPLETELY RANT,AND MAKE IDOTS OF USERS,I DONT KNOW WHO SUSPEND THE ACCOUNT?i will compain about this at any cost,FRIENDS I NOT BROKE ANY COMMUNITY GUIDE LINE,WHY MY ACCOUNT WAS SUSPENDED,IN 2 DAYS,I GAVE ANSWERS OF LOT OF QUESTION AND THEY WERE WELL DISCIPLANED ANSWERS,why my account has been suspended?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: friends i had made an account with john,i had give about 40 answers in 2 days,i never use ruff language or never broke any community guide line,i gave all the answers corroctly and in a disciplane way,i dont know after 2 days why my account is suspended,I THINK THIS YAHOO ANSWERS SITE IS COMPLETELY RANT,AND MAKE IDOTS OF USERS,I DONT KNOW WHO SUSPEND THE ACCOUNT?i will compain about this at any cost,FRIENDS I NOT BROKE ANY COMMUNITY GUIDE LINE,WHY MY ACCOUNT WAS SUSPENDED,IN 2 DAYS,I GAVE ANSWERS OF LOT OF QUESTION AND THEY WERE WELL DISCIPLANED ANSWERS,why my account has been suspended?

welcome join the fun as i hav been suspended 5 times and going to get 6th time bcz of some fools over there

Why don't you email yahoo customer care.

It happens, maybe they axed you for bad spelling. Review your violations, you probably have illegal, insulting or harmful to minors in there. Judging by your tone.

peace and love

Calling people idiots don't help your case.

You shouldnt be really posting this stuff here. You should be taking it to yahoo answers. And using capitals in forums is never a good thing.