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Position:Home>Philosophy> What was the sadest moment of your life?

Question:be specific

and how did you feel?

y do you think you felt this way?:(

do you still feel sad over this?

and how did this effect your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: be specific

and how did you feel?

y do you think you felt this way?:(

do you still feel sad over this?

and how did this effect your life?

Um. I had a few... I hope you don't mind but I can't choose just one.

1st would have to be the day I found out about my mothers murder. I felt sad, angry and a bit confused even. I found out when I was 7 it happened when I was 3 and i am now 24 and it still makes me very sad.

2nd would have to be the day I lost my virginity, only because I was raped. I am confused. thought it was my fault. angry. it happened when i was 13. And it's not that I am sad about it still. the fact is, is that I am more upset about it now. It pretty much ruined my child hood.

I try not to let the 2nd one rule my life. I am a very bubbly happy person. something like those things don't just leave your mind, they cross it. the 1st more then the other. But I am still a happy person.

For the effects of my life. I never got to know my mother, and that actually effects my life more then I would have thought. It has left me with unanswered questions and questions that will never be answered. for the rape. I don't trust to many people. The man that raped me was the kid I was dating... him and his friend did it.


Reading stupid questions on yahoo answers...

Jimmy Carter getting elected.

Our money was devalued insanely because of his idiot liberal economics.

Just the other week when I heard Brett Favre is retiring! haha...not really the saddest in my life but I was very disappointed to hear this...even though I knew it was coming

When my grandma died...
I felt sad and upset...
I do still feel sad over it...
It's affected it big time because I still get upset and it's not the same without her.

been stocked on a storage room for one night

Reading stupid answers on yahoo answers.....

3 thumbs down, thanks.....

when i read your post
i felt horrible
cause it was a bruutal question
i will till i die
i want to kill myself

my father dying in an accident - disbelief, horror, saddness. my son was only 6 weeks old and my father wanted to be a grandfather. hope this makes you happy to read other people's misery. it has been 12 years and it still saddens me.

I miscarried a son at 5 months. I did not have any kids at that time, it was my third miscarriage. I carried my son for 5 months, I had bonded with him. I was devastated. Totally devastated.

I still miss my son. I prayed and I prayed, and about a yrar to the day of my loss I discovered I was pregnant. My daughter is now 10, but I still miss my son.

?my dad passed away when I was 18, It was horrible I could not believe what my grandma told me I feel to my knees and was heartbroken. I am still very sad that my dad is not here to see what I have become and to not have him as part of my life.
My stepbrother shot and killed him and I do have some resentment to some degree.

Yes, when I shot my sister's dog, intentionally. I wept then and have regreted ot for a long time. Don't think of it much anymore, but when I do I still hurt.

just this morning. i was driving to work. and someone driving in the opposite direction had run over a squirrel that tried to cross the street. the car had run over one of its legs and it was left helplessly squerming on the street.. i didnt know what to do except keep driving because i have to get to work. poor guy. may his soul rest in peace in squirrel-heaven.

I dont remeber it and will never even try to

Losing my parents. I didn't realise before they died that grief actually gives physical pain.

Eventually the sadness fades and the happy memories take over but I still miss them very much.

The way my sister put it was that you feel like you've aged 10 years overnight and I can't put it any better than that.

The saddest moment of my life was when my mom committed suicide.

I didn't really understand at the time, but I felt sad.

I felt sad because I knew that she wouldn't come back, and I was afraid, because I had never seen my Dad cry before.

It has effected my entire life. It has made me a stronger person, and has really made me sympathetic to things that other people go through. I volunteer a lot like my Mom did, and I am always kind like my mom was. I will never forget her, even though I was only 7 when she passed.

when i had my first miscarriage. i felt devestated as it had taken me a year to get pregnant in the first place, and yes, i do still feel sad about it, and the second one i went on to have. it has effected my life in that i will carry that sadness around with me forever, but i still have hope that my fiance and i will one day have the baby we so desperately want.

I can still remember a really bad break up.
It still haunts me even today.
I got soooo depressed I needed medication.
I couldn't sleep or eat.
It affected my life in so many ways.
It made me question my entire being.
There were feelings I felt that I never knew could be there.
I thought I was losing it!
I finally just snapped out it and said to
myself you know what , this isn't me anymore
I'm becoming someone I don't want to be
I don't want to be sad
I don't want to be on anti-depressants!
I'm done.
I made a choice.
I chose to be happy and make the best out of a bad situation.
I went out and did the things I kept putting off.
Made new friends.
And had plenty of FUN.

the thoughts of my father when he was alive

the death of my cousin- it took me a year to literally get over it

the death of my two cats- just makes me sad that i couldn't keep them where i lived maybe i could have saved their lives.

these moments dontt have any effects in my life. Sometimes i take a deep breath and try to recollect on the good moments with them.

The saddest moment in my life was when my cousin Riak died. I took it really hard, since he lives in another country. It took a while to realize he's gone forever. I sometimes feel sad and remember him. It just made me realize that life is so unpredictable, and we never know when we'll be gone. We should live life to the fullest.

the saddest day of my life was when my grandfather past away. i thought he was the best he was always there for me and never showed any hate his love for me was like a warmth from a internal heater he would always take me into the garage or the addict to help him fix something he would always play a game with me or make ho-made toys for me even when he was very angry and yelling when i came by him is anger died like a morning flower at night. i would always say are you OK pap-pal he would say yes. when he passed i think i felt a big chunk of love being teared away from me. every time i think about that good owe man i get the happiness that was once there and that internal warmth even just a few seconds is the best of all. but now i know that he tough me the greatest lesson of all learn from your mistakes. and that has helped my future. thank you pap-pal.

When I cheated on the love of my life. Damn Me
I could have resisted.
Yeah, sometimes but I'm over her. I guess
I picked up my guitar,lol. That was the only thing in my mind then.

The saddest moment of my life occurred on Monday, March 24, 2008 at about 6:00 p.m.

I felt a true sense of loss, I felt the end of so much that I loved and took pride in and I felt very sad for my children, my soon to be ex-wife and myself.

The reason that I can be so precise is that is when I got home from work and saw that my house that my wife and I have lived in for 11 years had a forsale sign. We raised our three children in that home and designed the house with children in mind. It is the house that is in the middle of our street and the place where all the neighborhood kids play. I love and will very much miss coming home to a yard full of kids playing to their hearts content.

It has effected my life by inserting a fair amount of uncertainty into my daily expectations. It is my prayer that I make the best decisions - that is - thouse decisions that negatively impact the children the least, as this process continues.

When my wife's parents hid her away from me two weeks before we were meant to be married in November 2005 then made up horrible stories about me being abusive and violent and even threatening me with a restraining order. I can't really tell you how I felt because I was beyond feeling. I guess I can say I felt like there was no longer any reason to live, yet I so desperately needed Julie back again.
Needless to say, her parents are f***** up and people started to see who they really were. I am happily married to Julie now since September 9th, 2006.

Edit - in regards to "Do I still feel sad over this?" - well not anymore but it took a hell of a long time to gain Julie's trust again because I partly blamed her too for being the idiot who let her parents brainwash her into believing their crap. I'm over that now though.