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Position:Home>Philosophy> Fundamentally opposed to higher-ups' views?

Question:I work in an office where my higher-ups (supervisor, and sort-of supervisor) hold much different ideas from mine as to how many situations should be handled. In short, they're far less empathic than I when it comes to employees (I work in HR). I find myself speaking up on behalf of the employees, who, I feel, are being treated as numbers rather than people. But, of course, the response I receive is less sympathetic than desired. Am I in the wrong place? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I work in an office where my higher-ups (supervisor, and sort-of supervisor) hold much different ideas from mine as to how many situations should be handled. In short, they're far less empathic than I when it comes to employees (I work in HR). I find myself speaking up on behalf of the employees, who, I feel, are being treated as numbers rather than people. But, of course, the response I receive is less sympathetic than desired. Am I in the wrong place? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Are you in the wrong place? Only if you have hopes of ever getting a raise and/or promotion. Seriously, if you're repeatedly butting heads with your supervisors over the proper way to deal with employees at some point your superiors are going to decide you are not a "team player" and try to force you out. You are out-numbered and out-gunned.

Actually, I think you may be on the wrong planet. Your superiors are not going to appreciate you criticizing their decisions anywhere you go. This is called real life.